QRA study as per OISD 244 for HT ( High Tension line ) at Vashi Black Oil Terminal passing through HPCL 

M/s Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited has a Bulk Marketing cum Tap off point Oil at Vashi POL Terminal, Maharashtra. Total plot Area covered by terminal is about 24.5 Acres. The Black Oil Terminal is adjacent to the existing terminal and handles LDO and FO products.

The Terminal is approximately 18 km from the Mumbai Refinery. The Terminal is situated in MIDC area of Navi Mumbai. At terminal, the Operating process is receipt of LDO and FO, their Storage in respective storage Tanks & dispatching to market through Distributors. The products are distributed to Market through Tank Trucks.

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the potential risk levels for personnel due to accidental release of hazardous materials from loss of containment scenarios from the facilities and to demonstrate that individual risks are within the broadly acceptable regions.

The Objectives of QRA are as follows:

  • Identification of Hazards and Major Loss of Containment (LOC) events
  • Calculation of physical effects of failure case scenarios which include Estimation of Jet Fire, Pool Fire heat radiation distances, Flammable gas dispersion distances, and overpressure explosion distances
  • Failure Frequency evaluation
  • Societal risk quantification and Potential Loss of Life estimation
  • Perform a risk assessment to confirm that risk can be reduced consistent with the ALARP principle according to the UK HSE risk acceptance criteria
  • Recommend risk reducing measures to ensure that all risks are in ALARP or in Acceptable Region.

The following facilities are covered under the QRA study for this Project.

  • Pumping, Storing and Unloading & Loading of F O.
  • Pumping, Storing and Unloading & Loading of LDO.

The assessment will be based on the hazards that may occur during the operations of the Project with respect to information available. The scope of work is limited to different components associated with the proposed Facility only. Any other Facilities that are not part of the proposed Complex operations are not included as part of this study.

The Final Outcomes of QRA Study are as follows

  • Location Specific Individual Risk

Individual risk at different locations round a particular plant varies. Among the Risk ranking locations considered all risk ranking points lies in the ACCEPTABLE Region.

  • Individual Risk for people      

Individual Risk (IR) gives a measure of the risk that will apply to each location (in this case, each area, generally), independent of the population.

Individual Risk for people at HPCL Black Oil Terminal – Vashi is coming under ACCEPTABLE region.

  • Societal Risk

The correlation between frequency and the number of people experiencing a specific level of harm in a given population as a result of realization of a specific danger is provided by societal risk. The study’s findings lead to the conclusion that the societal risk for the study’s entire population on the whole is in the ACCEPTABLE range.


  • Based on the observations and conclusions following are the recommendations of this QRA study
  • Ensure vehicles entering near the Facilities are fitted with spark arrestors, as a mandatory item
  • Ensure personnel entering the Facility should not be allowed carrying any ignition sources like Mobile phone, lighter etc.
  • Firefighting equipment and system should be maintained as per OISD 117.
  • Work Permit” procedures to be followed by maintenance Personnel for protection of property from damage and fire etc.
  • All Visitors prior to entering the facility should be briefed on Safety. All employees should be provided refresher course to ensure implementation of required action during emergency.
  • Operation checklist in Native language and English to be provided near Operation area.
  • Pipeline corridors and unloading area shall be protected with adequate crash barrier to prevent any Accidental impacts / Vehicle movement.
  • Human activity in the Loading/unloading area should be maintained minimum.
  • Ensure the maintenance of pump is carried out in conformance to OISD‐STD‐119.
  • Ensure adequate grounding and earthing arrangements are implemented in the loading area to avoid generation  of static charge.
  • Make Sure that the practice of ‘Calibration plan’ for Meters and Gauges is implemented to ensure effective functioning of the System
  • Ensure Lock out and tag out (LOTO) procedure is being followed in operation of tank drain, dyke drain and other critical valves with supervisory control and mechanical locking option.
  • Ensure regular inspection of earthing arrangements and lightning arrestors