HAZOP Study for IOCL Barauni Refinery’s Process Units and Utilities

Overview of IOCL Barauni Refinery

The Barauni refinery of Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) was established at Barauni, Bihar in the year 1964.AVU-I was commissioned to process sweet crude from the Assam oil field with a design capacity of 1 MMPTA. With the growing demand for petroleum products in the country, AVU-II & AVU-III came into the picture in the Barauni refinery which enhanced the crude processing capacity to 3 MMTPA. Barauni refinery was revamped further to reach the current level of refining capacity of 6 MMPTA to meet the growing demands of petroleum products.

IOCL Barauni refinery is one of the oldest refineries in the country it was set up with a primary processing unit i.e., Atmospheric & Vacuum Unit (AVU-I), with the growing demands of petroleum products two other primary processing units AVU-II and AVU-III were commissioned later. Conventional secondary processing units of refineries such as Catalytic Reforming Unit (CRU), Delayed Coker Unit (DCU), Diesel Hydrotreatment Unit (DHDT), Residue Fluid Catalytic Unit (RFCC), Hydrogen Generation Unit (HGU) Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU) are also setup in the refinery complex.

Barauni refinery has Oil Movement & Storage (OM&S) facility to store and transport crude oil and finished products. The refinery complex consists of a state-of-the-art Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) to treat the effluent. IOCL has awarded iFluids Engineering to carry out a Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study for process units and other associated facilities of IOCL Barauni Refinery.


HAZOP is a systematic and qualitative technique used to check for deviations in the plant’s normal operating conditions which can lead to hazardous situations or operating issues in the plant. Guidewords (low, high, less, more) can be used with parameters such as pressure, temperature, flow rate, and level to find out the hazards and operational upsets in the plant.

Features of HAzOP

HAZOP study for any facility gives an insight into the plant’s normal operation as well as the overall safety aspects of the plant. Some of the important features of HAZOP are mentioned below

The image is an infographic titled Features of HAZOP outlining five key aspects of a HAZOP (Hazard and Operability) study. It presents a structured list with numbered sections, each highlighting an important feature. The five listed features are Hazard Identification, Safety Recommendations, Equipment & Operational Risks, HAZOP in Design Stage, and Additional Safety Measures. This infographic provides a clear and concise overview of the HAZOP process, helping professionals understand its role in identifying hazards, improving safety, analyzing equipment risks, and ensuring effective safety measures in industrial operations.
  • Identification of hazards and operating problems.
  • To recommend changes in design, procedure, etc to improve safety.
  •  Identification of hazards from equipment failure, instrument malfunction, and operational issues
  • HAZOP study is carried out during the design and procurement stage to examine the P&ID in detail for identification of deviations from normal operations that may cause operational issues or hazards.
  • In addition to these, HAZOP can also be used to suggest recommended safety studies for consequences that cannot mitigated by using existing safeguards or by recommending new safeguards.

HAZOP study for process units and other associated facilities of IOCL Barauni refinery was conducted in Barauni refinery with the participation of concerned people from different departments. 

Units covered in the HAZOP Study are as below:

AVU-I | AVU-II | AVU-III | RFCCU | DHDT | CCRU | CRU | MSQU | HGU-I | HGU-II | DCU | OM&S | S-Block | TPS & Utilities | MSQ N2 Plant | CRU N2 Plant | ETP | Indjet | LRU, LTU & ATU | Biturox

HAZOP study findings were recorded by the team and suitable recommendations were also made based on the mutual discussion with the team members. The study was conducted unit-wise using basic engineering documents like PFD, P&ID, and Process Design Basis (PDB) and recommendations were made based on the findings during the HAZOP session. Some general recommendations were also proposed for all the units of the refinery complex.

Ensure Safety & Efficiency with Expert HAZOP Analysis!

Partner with us for a comprehensive HAZOP study to enhance the safety, reliability, and operational efficiency of your refinery. Contact iFluids Engineering today to schedule a consultation and safeguard your industrial processes.