Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study for the LNG Storage & Regasification System

Gujarat Gas Limited, Narmada has awarded iFluids Engineering to carry out Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study for the LNG Storage & Regasification System, Gujarat.

The study addresses the risk Assessment of the various facilities available and Hazardous operations carried out at the above mentioned facility of Gujarat Gas Limited. QRA study, hazard scenarios were identified for the facility and consequence analysis was carried out using DNV PHAST software version 7.2. The risk analysis was carried out using DNV SAFETI software version 7.2 to obtain risk results in the form of LSIR contours. These risk results were assessed based on the Risk Acceptance Criteria and overall LSIR was found to broadly lie in the ALARP region and the societal risk for the neighboring population also lies in the ALARP region.