Quantitative Risk Assessment for Nayara Energy Limited- POL Depot

POL Depot, Sirohi owned by Nayara Energy Limited has MS/HSD tanks (03 Nos. of HSD tanks and 02 nos. of MS tanks), and 6 Nos. of unloading/loading pumps. MS/HSD product is loaded in tank-truck at Vadinar refinery and received at depot. After performing quantity and quality check these products are unloaded in respective product Tanks.  Based on Retail market requirement tank trucks are loaded in truck gantry and dispatched to respective retail outlets. The depot also consists of a Firewater tank and a firewater pump.

The scope of the project consists of performing Quantitative Risk Assessment study for Nayara Energy POL Depot at Sirohi.

The study objectives were as follows:

  1. Identification of hazards and release scenarios:

Hazardous scenarios were identified based on the properties of material handled and the potential hazards in the pipeline and storage systems which could lead to loss of containment events.

2.Assessment of the risk:

Risk Assessment combines the incident outcomes’ consequences and likelihood of all selected incidents to provide a measure of risk. Consequence estimation (the potential for damage or injury from specific incidents) and likelihood assessment (frequency or probability of occurrence of an incident) were determined based on the outcomes, consequences, damage envisaged in the premise and failure frequency, probabilities (population, weather and ignition) considered.

3. Risk Evaluation:

The individual risk results were evaluated against the UK HSE Risk Acceptance Criteria to determine whether the risks are broadly acceptable, ALARP or unacceptable and to make some professional judgments about the significance of the risks.

4. Risk elimination/reduction:

Based on the risk evaluation, reduction measures were recommended in order to reduce the risk to a tolerable or ALARP region. The general order of risk reducing measures is as follows:

  • Prevention (by distance or design)
  • Detection (e.g. fire & gas, Leak detection)
  • Control (e.g. emergency shutdown & controlled depressurization)
  • Mitigation (e.g. firefighting and passive fire protection)
  • Emergency response (in case safety barriers fail)
Aerial View of POL Depot
Aerial View of POL Depot