Feasibility Study for efficiency improvement and debottlenecking of 18 process furnaces at BPCL, Bina Refinery , Madhya Pradesh  

This project is related to process furnaces feasibility study for efficiency improvement. Totally 18 process furnaces were studied.

The scope of work for iFluids Engineering includes following activities:

  1. These furnaces have high stack temperatures and scope for efficiency improvement. Following options are evaluated,
    • Providing extra rows in convection section of furnaces, wherever space is available.
    • Augmentation of existing APH with Plate type or new APH based on revised acid dew point calculation with respect to revised sulphur specification in fuels.
    • Calculation of baseline efficiency based on current operating parameters and suggest measures to improve efficiency.
    • Conversion of existing natural draft furnaces to balance draft furnaces.
    • Performance improvement options.
    • Feasibility of pure O2 injection along with combustion air in furnaces.
  2. Any other option which the vendor finds suitable.
  3. To  provide acid dew point calculation for all process furnaces.
  4. Review of existing drawings and datasheets of heater, burner, Fuel composition, FD Fan and APH, PFD and P&IDs of relevant section. And to  provide analysis of current operating condition.
  5. To generate a Prioritization matrix for various options based on techno-economic feasibility & recommend for furnace wise implementation.
  6. To check adequacy of existing equipment such as FD fan, Burners and APH for all studied cases/ options.
  7. To ensure that the changes made in APH section should not have any adverse effect on radiation section heat distribution, burner flame pattern, flame impingement, draft of heaters etc.
  8. To check Thermal and hydraulic adequacy of all process furnaces.
  9. To check draft to determine air side and flue gas side pressure drop in ducts (if applicable).
  10. To review if suggested modifications are implementable or constructability is feasible based on preliminary assessment of unit layout.
  11. Simulation results
  12. Final Study reports
  13. GHG reduction potential after implementation of suggested modifications
  14. Cost estimate with an accuracy of +/- 10% for the suggested modifications.