Engineering Design & Detailing For Rail Fed Depot At Village Swaipura, Pali

Nayara Energy Ltd./Company, has proposed to set up a new POL Depot at Village: Sawaipura, Chotila, District: Pali, Railway Station – Kairla, near Jodhpur, Rajasthan State, India fully complying with CCOE, OISD (Mainly 117, 118 & 244) and local statutory requirements. Approximately 60 acres of land would be available for the construction of Depot at above said location. The petroleum products will be receives through Railway’s BTPN wagons and products will be supplied through trucks to the retail outlets.

To prepare Issue for Construction (IFCs) drawings for Civil, Structural & Allied Works for Green Field Rail Fed Petroleum Storage Depot at Village – Sawaipura, Grampanchayat – Chotila, Tahsil – Rohat, District – Pali, Near Kairla Railway Station, Rajasthan.

To prepare detailed engineering Issue for Construction (IFCs) drawings for the following works:

Plot Plan/Master Layout (4 nos. plot plans)

  1. Develop full plot plan covering plant facilities, buildings, structures, roads & drains, etc.
  2. Fire Fighting Layout
  3. Equipment Layout (sectional drawing)
  4. Hazardous Area Classification

Site Coordinates: Development of site coordinates plot plan based on the preliminary plot plan showing arrangement of buildings, structures, tankages, internal roads, approach roads, bridges, culverts, etc.

Area Grading: Preparation of land development drawings showing the finished ground level (FGL), quantity of filling/cutting.

Roads & Drains: To provide in detail for Internal Roads/approach roads, Boundary walls, internal fencing, gates, wicket gates, main gate, Hume pipe works, recharge pits, drains, Bridges, Culverts, etc.

RCC Framed Buildings:

  1. Administrative and Canteen & Amenity Blocks (2 nos.): Re-designing of buildings in terms of re-arrangement of internal rooms, comprising HVAC, electrical, PHE, structural and architectural alterations.
  2. Balance Buildings (9 nos.): Review of structural design of all RCC buildings (QC Lab, Store, Emergency & Security Cabins, PMCC and S&D Buildings) based on soil investigation reports available and alternation (if required). Finalization of various levels of floors (FFLs), schedule of opening, schedule of finishing, interiors and internal plumbing and drainage works.

External PHE Works: Review & design finalization of Water supply network including RCC water storage UG tanks, sewage treatment plant (STP), water treatment plant (WTP) and oily water separator (OWS). Effluent collection and disposal, i.e. overall OWS Network, Sewage and storm water disposal systems required for the project.

Irrigation Scheme Design: Designing of irrigation network system for horticulture including RCC water storage UG tanks.

Plot plans detailing whole plant as well Firefighting & Equipment Layouts. For the respective Buildings, Civil – Structural & Architectural Layouts have to be designed in detail supported by Building Codes with necessary calculations. In addition to scope of Irrigation, RCC Structural Detailing for Sump also been provided.

As Building Services being the part of scope for all buildings, Both Plumbing and Drainage Drawings and calculations have to be detailed in brief for construction as per Standards and Building Codes. HVAC Design calculations are made based on weather and orientation Conditions, along with Proposed Equipment & Duct Layouts and MTO’s for Admin and Canteen & Amenity Buildings are detailed.

Irrigation networks are calculated and designed as per the land and climatic conditions based on standards and client requirements.

Assessment of Electrical to determine Admin and Canteen building’s Load required, Design Power Distribution, Design adequate Lighting, and Power required for each rooms.