Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan for Small Can Filling Plant

IOCL, Small Can Filling Plant located at Tadepalli was commissioned on 31st March 1995 at Tadepalli, located in Guntur District about 6 km from Vijayawada railway station. The entire unit is about 5.91 acres of land owned by IOCL. The capacity of the plant is approximately 18000 KLPA.

The plant receives base oil through tank trucks (TT) from LBP/CPCL. Additives are received in packed condition (barrels) and also in bulk through tanker Lorries. Major portion of additives are received from M/s Lubrizol (l) Ltd, Mumbai, Indian Additives, Chennai and LBP Chennai.

The base oils are stored in above ground tankers. Packed additives are stored in godown/open yard. Lube oil are produced by suitable blending of base oils and additives of various grades (about 17 grades). Blending is carried out in kettles of various capacities. Heat for the purpose of blending is obtained from the hot water generator. Finished products are filled in 210 liter barrels and also in cans varying from ½ liter to 50 liter. The barrels and small containers are dispatched to IOCL depot located adjacent to the premises.

The scope of the project consists of ERDMP preparation for IOCL Small Can Filling Plant, Tadepalli.

This Disaster / Emergency Management Plan is prepared / updated for meeting any emergency response to respond accidents, hazards etc., through the effective and optimum utilization of all the facilities / resources inbuilt in the plant and available in the neighboring areas as such.  The objectives are as follows:

  1. Data collection:

Existing documents corroborating the effective management of foreseeable emergencies is collected from the client.

  • Assessment of the existing documents:

The Emergency management plan if existing is reviewed based on the Guidelines provided by PNGRB. If Emergency management plan is to be prepared, PNGRB guidelines are followed and relevant checklists and schedules are filled in the respective chapters.

Aerial View of IOCL, Tadepalli
Aerial View of IOCL, Tadepalli