Dispersion Module Analysis for station SV-3G in Gokak to Goa 24” spur line of Gail India Limited

The scope of the project is to carry out Vent Dispersion Modelling for the proposed Station SV-3G of Gokak to Goa 24” Spur Line under different weather and release conditions.

The Dispersion study includes the following steps that were carried out during the project schedule: –

  • Source term modelling for determining the release rate;
  • Physical effects modelling for determining the size of the hazard that is associated with the released fluid like heat radiation and toxic / flammable gas dispersion.
  • Comparing the physical effects model with the required impact criteria.

The Objective of the Dispersion Study was met by the following methodology: –

  • Quantity of consignment release from the vents to atmosphere were estimated.
  • Potential hazards and their subsequent effects of fire and explosion and toxicity whichever and wherever is applicable were estimated.
  • Hazards were identified and the ways that they could materialize were recognized.
  • Suitable height for the open vents was recommended.

The dispersion distance downwind for the defined impact criteria was presented in the form of Tables and Graphs.

A Detailed Report along with the Conclusion & Recommendations from the study was presented.