Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)/Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) with Waste Management Plan (WMP) for Automation Upgrade for NGL Storage and Loading Facilities.

QatarEnergy (QE) owns and operates four (4) NGL (Natural Gas Liquid) Plants at Mesaieed NGL Complex in Qatar. These Plants are NGL-1, 2, 3 & 4. The feeds to the Plants are Associated Gas, Non-associated Gas, Raw NGL Liquids and Condensate from upstream onshore and offshore processing units. The NGL plants produce Lean Gas, Ethane, Propane, Butane, Iso-Pentane and NGL Condensate and Sulphur products.

The NGL Complex has a common storage and loading area consisting of storage tanks, marine loading systems and associated equipment. Most of the systems were installed around year 1980 and since then various problems have been encountered as stated below,

  • The control and safeguarding systems are still in operation, but replacement is now necessary due to the difficulty in obtaining spares for the obsolete instrument and control system equipment
  • Many of the control systems associated with the existing compressors have become unreliable and are no longer supported by their original manufacturers
  • The existing pneumatic control system is unable to communicate with RTPIMS and Qatar Energy enterprise information systems


Construction and Demolition Environment Management Plan has been developed for the Project for Automation Upgrade for NGL Storage and Loading Facilities, Mesaieed. The CEMP/DEMP will cover all the possible impacts to environment due to the various construction and demolition activities as per the project description and their mitigation and monitoring measures within the site. The various waste generated due to these activities will be accounted and the necessary management plant corresponding to each stage of the project is dealt within in accordance with the QatarEnergy standards and governing laws. 

CEMP shall cover effects to environment due to all equipment / items identified for the installation, replacement and demolition and also their management plan. All associated works related to piping, instrumentation, electrical, civil, and structural and loss prevention disciplines shall be also covered under facility. The proposed project includes automation upgrade and associated works for NGL Tank farm, loading Pumps and NGL Jetty Area. It is required to replace existing field instruments, automated valves, F&G detectors and devices that are obsolete in all Butane, Gasoline and Naphtha tank farms with latest technology based smart devices and automation systems available in the market.

The CEMP and DEMP have been prepared in accordance with QatarEnergy Technical Guidance Document on “QP GUIDELINE FOR PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLANS” (DOC NO: QP-GDL-V-002, Rev1).


For the development of this CEMP / DEMP, the Environmental Risk Register (ERR), which was developed as part of the EPIC, was used as guidance. The current controls and additional controls that are identified as part of this register have been compared to the control measures from the Environmental Permit and included as mitigation or management measures. The Environmental Risks identified within the EPIC will be added to the Project Risk Register and updated where required.

The risk assessment matrix includes the consequences for people, asset damage & business losses, environmental effect and reputation impact.


CEMP/DEMP will detail the minimum impacts & measures that should be achieved for general operations that would fall outside the risk assessment/method statement procedure designed to cover the majority of construction activities. This would cover the following sections detail the key controls that will put in place to address these aspects to minimize the overall environmental impacts of the proposed construction and demolition works.

  • Air Quality and Emissions
  • Dust and other Emission Controls
  • Noise and Vibrations
  • Soil Quality
  • Water & Wastewater
  • Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste
  • Ecology
  • Visual Amenity
  • Management of Sensitive areas


This Waste Management Plan (WMP) applies to the management of the waste &wastewater generated by the project, including wastes generated during the construction and commissioning phases.

In order to assess the potential impact of waste on the environment and to set priorities for its effective Management, it is important to classify wastes into categories in line with QatarEnergy Guideline for Waste Management (QP-GDL-V-001 R1).

CONTRACTOR strategy will be developed on waste management hierarchy approach, in order of preference, the aim will be to:

  • Avoid the generation of waste.
  • Reduce the amount of waste generated.
  • Re-use raw materials, as warranted and Reuse the waste.
  • Recycle waste, as warranted.
  • Recover materials as practical from the remaining waste.
  • Treat waste as necessary to render them less hazardous and/or to enable them to be recycled or reused.
  • Disposal of waste shall consider as the least preferable option


The key findings of the study are:

Main impact sources during site construction activities include

  • Emission from construction equipment (such as JCBs, bulldozers & cranes) and vehicles.
  • Dust emissions: dust generation from activities including movement of vehicles on unpaved areas, earthmoving operations, material stockpiles
  • Fugitive emissions from fuel storage tanks or chemical storage area and Others like painting and insulation activities
  • In particular noise will be generated mainly during the following activities, General Civil Works activities (excavation, earthworks, stockpiling etc.), General direct and indirect traffic nuisance on site and off site, Abrasive blasting, Power generating units, compressors and pumps etc
  • There is no potential risk of groundwater contamination by site activities.
  • The project area is located in the industrial area, where there may be very low disturbance to flora and fauna. There is no trees in and around the site was identified
  • Various categories of hazardous & non-hazardous wastes will be arising at different operations of demolition & construction

Mitigation Measures Suggested

  • Daily Visual Inspection of dust and black smoke & Monitoring of workplace dust and Verification of road worthiness certificate for vehicles
  • Selection of products (painting) shall take into consideration Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) contents, in particular choose “low VOC” or “zero VOC” emitting products
  • Stockpiles will be kept to a minimum practical size and height and will be constructed with gentle slopes
  • Monthly noise monitoring at points near noisy machinery and project boundaries.
  • Noise from machinery and equipment used during construction, will not exceed the manufacturer’s specifications.
  • Proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided to all personnel
  • Vehicle washing prior to service or maintenance should be carried out at a dedicated vehicle washing facility to be constructed by Company or Contractor
  • Any wastewater shall be tested for physical parameters like suspended solids and turbidity before discharging them into the authorized discharge points.
  • Visual inspection of construction site shall be carried out on regular basis
  • Daily and weekly site inspections/ visual monitoring will be carried out by HSE Officer to check for the following:
    • Spills/ leaks/ stains on the soil
    • Hydraulic oil /fuel storage at pre-identified locations only
    • Availability of spill kits in fuel/oil storage area
    • Availability of drip trays for storage of all hazardous materials
    • Spillage of wastes around the waste storage bins
    • Vehicles used for to-and-fro transportation of materials are fully covered and have sufficient free board, so as to avoid any spillage along the transport route
  • Contractor shall engage services of the licensed transporter of both non-hazardous and hazardous waste to deliver at the respective Qatar Energy waste treatment / handling centers