Indian Oil Corporation Limited has awarded iFluids Engineering to carry out Ambient Air Quality Monitoring and Air Dispersion Modelling at Haldia Refinery.The Haldia Refinery is one of the two refineries of the IOCL that produces Lube Oil Base Stocks (LOBS). The refinery was established in January 1975 & located at 136 km downstream from Kolkata in the Purvamedinipur district of West Bengal, near the confluence of the Hooghly and Haldi rivers.

Petroleum products from this refinery are supplied primarily to East India through two product pipelines, the Haldia Mourigram Rajband Pipeline (HMRBPL) and the Haldia Barauni Kanpur Pipeline (HBKPL), as well as by barges, oil tankers, tank trucks and tank trucks. Products such as SRN, MS, HSD, FO and bitumen are exported from this refinery. Products from Haldia Refinery are transported by all modes (rail, road, pipeline and coastal).

Scope of Work

The Scope of Work includes performing Ambient air monitoring for PM10 and impact prediction through modelling at Haldia Refinery

The scope of work is as follows:

  • Ambient air quality monitoring inside the refinery.
  • Generation of Meteorological Data like Wind Speed & Direction, Temperature, Cloud Cover at the site
  • Stack Emission Monitoring at Haldia Refinery
  • Vehicular Traffic Survey around the refinery
  • Air Quality Dispersion modeling for Air quality check with respect to PM emission from stack and Flare as well as due to the vehicular traffic in the surrounding areas
  • Determine the corresponding Ground level concentration of PM10.
  • Impact study of PM emission from stack/flare as well as surrounding areas on PM10.


Meteorological Conditions

The study of meteorological conditions forms an intrinsic part of the impact assessment study. The meteorological conditions of an area and the process are both intertwined and each has a definite influence over the other. Favourable weather conditions and the surroundings help the successful operation of a facility, while the activities influence the weather in both positive as well as negative ways.

Dispersion of different air pollutants released in to the atmosphere has significant impacts on neighbourhood air environment. The dispersion/dilution of the released pollutant over large area will result in considerable reduction of the concentration of a pollutant. The dispersion in turn depends on the weather conditions like the wind speed, direction, temperature, relative humidity, mixing height, cloud cover and also the rainfall in the area.

The meteorological data at the site will be collected by fixing meteorological station for the study period for the preparation of the wind rose on sixteen- sector basis.

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

The prime objective of ambient air monitoring is to evaluate the Impact of PM emission from stack/flare as well as surrounding areas. This will also be useful for assessing the conformity to standards of the ambient air quality of the refinery area as per Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). Particulate Matter (PM10), Respirable fraction (<10 microns) instrument will be used for sampling

The baseline status of the air quality in the study area has been assessed through a scientifically designed ambient air quality monitoring network. The design of monitoring network in the air quality surveillance has been based on the following considerations

  • Meteorological conditions
  • Topography of the study area
  • Locations where air quality is likely to be impacted as a result of localized activities or disturbances & Site Specific Conditions

Necessary ambient air quality monitoring stations will be selected within the refinery area with consideration in the above mentioned points.Ambient Air quality monitoring will be carried out twice a week for 2 months

Stack Monitoring

Stack Monitoring is an instrumental method or procedure for evaluating the characteristics of the emissions from industrial waste gas streams discharged into the atmosphere. Effluent measurement procedures follow specific test methods and protocols to ensure representative and accurate emission data.

Onsite determination of physical parameters of flue gases such as temperature, flow and pressure also involved in Stack emission monitoring.

Measurements of these pollutants follow specific predefined stack emission testing procedures by CPCB and protocols to ensure accurate and representative data of the total amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere from a given source in the given time is collected.

Vehicular Traffic Survey around the Refinery

Vehicular Traffic surveys aim to capture data that accurately reflects the real traffic situation in the refinery area. It may be counting the number of vehicles using a road or collecting journey time information.

Objective of the vehicular traffic survey is  to  review  and  study  the  present  traffic  pattern  in  the  around  the refinery area and to study the vehicular movement & to predict the vehicular emission due to the movement of the vehicles around the refinery.

Emission Inventory

The emission inventory will contain all the emission sources, locations, emission rates, etc. We will prepare the emission inventory from the information obtained from the client. The emission inventory will be reviewed prior conducting the model simulation. This shall include flare gas parameters and efficiency. Upon finalization of the emission inventory by client, the modelling study will be conducted.

Air Dispersion Modelling Methodology

A dispersion model is a series of equations describing the relationships between the concentration of a substance in the atmosphere arising at a chosen location, the release rate, and factors affecting the dispersion and dilution in the atmosphere. The model requires information on the emission characteristics and the local meteorology. Modelling can also be used to predict future scenarios, short-term episodes, and long-term trends.

Time Of Completion

Time of completion of project is 3 months.


  1. Submission of Ambient Air quality Monitoring Report
  2. Submission of Dispersion air quality Study Report