SIL Classification Study to Determine the SIL Level of Safety Instrumentation Function for LPG Pipeline Installations at Kandla Gorakhpur LPG Pipeline in the States of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited has awarded iFluids Engineering to carry out SIL classification study to determine the SIL level of safety instrumentation function for LPG pipeline installations at various locations of kandla gorakhpur LPG pipeline in states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

  • Kandla Gorakhpur pipeline source LPG from LPG import terminals of the Western coasts at Kandla, Dahej, and Pipavav as well as two refineries at Koyali and Bina.
  • The pipeline is connected directly to 22 LPG bottling plants, 3 in Gujarat, 6 in Madhya Pradesh, and 13 in Uttar Pradesh
  • It has a total length of 2,805 kilometres.
  • This pipeline is being built by a joint venture of  Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (HPCL), and Bharat Petroleum Corporation (BPCL), called IHB limited.
  • The pipeline has been approved by the Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) under the Common Carrier Category.
  • The project’s cost is estimated to be 10088 crore.

Scope of Work

  • SIL classification study to determine the SIL level of safety instrumentation function for LPG pipeline installations at various locations viz. Mother station, pump stations, delivery stations (intermediate and terminal) and t-points of kandla gorakhpur LPG pipeline in states of gujarat, madhya pradesh and uttar Pradesh
  • To render assistance towards providing technical explanation or clarification on SIL study
  • Methodology for SIL study to be carried out that includes but not limited to data gathering, defining Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs), SIL classification etc.
  • SIL Assessment to be followed in accordance with OISD 152, IEC 61508, and IEC 61511 or equivalent guidelines to include the best Engineering practices.
  • Study to be carried out based on the available system instrumentation

Time of Completion

6 months is the time of Completion of the Project.


  • Shall submit the final SIL Study report completed with EXIDA ExSILensia Software.