Oil India Limited(OIL) has awarded iFluids Engineering to carry out As-built engineering information for the oil and gas productions/process units. Oil India Limited (OIL) is a premier national Oil Company engaged in the business of Exploration, Production & Transportation of Crude Oil & Natural Gas. Its operations are largely based in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh the north eastern part of India.

Over the years various developments, related to oil/gas production, has taken place accordingly, the production/process installations for oil and gas have also been modified /augmented. However, engineering information for the changes could not be updated or maintained in proper form so as to access them easily at the time of need. Considering this, OIL has planned to create As-built engineering information for the oil and gas productions/process units, & plan to maintain this updated information in a scientific way through latest software tools so as to get the relevant information at the click of a mouse. This will in-turn help OIL to carry out various risk analysis study. These studies will help in taking appropriate measure and bring down the risk to as low as reasonably practicable and thereby minimize losses in the event of an incident.

Scope of Study

Following requirements have been identified in the scope of study

To create engineering information for the following type of installations spread over Assam and Arunachal Pradesh

  • Oil Collecting Stations
  • Early Production Setup
  • Quick Production Setup / Well Head Setup

To convert all as-built engineering information of above installations to digital format using appropriate software tools

The tentative list of installations in Assam are:


Mobilization & Creation of As-built P&ID and PFD Drawings using Intelligent P&ID software

  • Mobilize personnel and required equipment
  • Collection of input data through physical survey, input verification & creation of P&IDs and PFDs for each installation in acceptable international standard practice by surveyors and create the as built information as input for creation of AutoCAD drawing for all the installations
  • Customization of P&ID symbols as required for creation of P&IDs /PFDs in Intelligent Format in conformation to ISA or other international standards. Intelligent P&IDs in intelligent format shall fully reflect the P&IDs and plant items contained therein (equipment, piping components, instrument components and signal lines etc.) along with all relevant attribution information shown on the face of original P&IDs.

Electrical Single Line diagrams (SLDs) to As-built status

  • Collection of input data through physical survey from field installations, input verification & creation for followings.
    • Input verification of Single Line Diagrams (SLDs).
    • SLD creation to the As-built status using Smart Plant Electrical or equivalent in A2 size

As-built Piping & Plant Layout, Electrical, Instrumentation, Optical Fibre cable diagrams, Cable Schedule Layouts, Electrical System & equipment earthing and Fire Fighting System Drawings in AutoCAD Format

  • Piping & plant Layout drawings with detail data to the scale as per OIL’s standard and conversion into AutoCAD format in a Single Sheet (Scale 1:300) for each installation. These drawing will have demarcation of Hazardous Area Classification (Zone Classification).
  • Electrical, Instrumentation, Optical Fibre cable diagrams, Cable Schedule Layouts, Electrical System & equipment earthing Drawings in AutoCAD Format in a Single Sheet

SOP, O&M Manual- Startup operating manuals for the units updated with and data sheet (Standard Operation and Maintenance Manual)

  • Collection of manual/ input data for preparation and digitization of SOP and O&M procedure to the As-built status.
  • Permanent writing of piping/equipment IDs will be carried out by painting/stencilling on the body of the piping/equipment and also by embossing on Aluminium Tag attached to the piping/equipment. Tagging and inscription specification will have to be approved by OIL
  • Creation & Updation of Operating Manuals and Standard Operation and Maintenance Procedures (SOMPs) to As Built status including Conversion to Acrobat format. Operating and Start-up if it is  not available  it will be created using  the guidelines  of OIL.

To carry out Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study

  • Design Verification (Hazards)
  • Process Hazards.
  • Maintenance Hazards
  • Electrical Hazards
  • Instrument Hazards
  • Fire & toxic Hazards etc.
  • During the HAZOP each P& ID, PFD, Operation Manuals will  be  considered  in  turn Section wise with defined nodes
  • After identification of the operational  hazards, recommendations on appropriate safety measures & stepwise implementation procedure to mitigate the same, is required to be submitted.To suggest recommendation & statutory requirements on Emergency Measures.

To carry out Quantitative Risk Analysis

  • Quantitative Risk Analysis includes identification  of  Hazards,  Selection  of  Scenarios, Risk contours, Effects & consequences, Likelihood Estimation & Risk Summation along with control measures. Same to be conducted as per International accepted guidelines
  • To Carry out Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) and develop an Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan as per the statutory guidelines like Mines Act-1952, OMR-2017, OISD, etc. that should be concise and informative so that members of the emergency control organization are able to quickly refer to the action plan to determine important functions that are being carried out

To carry out Consequence Analysis

  • Consequence Analysis and Estimation is the methodology used to determine the potential for damage or injury from specific incidents. E.g.: Jet fire distances, pool fires, BLEVE etc.,
  • The Damage distances contours are plotted to ascertain the effects due to Heat  of Radiation and blast over pressure at various distance from the source and its impact or consequences on the Societal and Individual Risks

End Users Training & Submission of reports

  • The end user training shall be imparted to 17 to 20 OIL personnel at Duliajan, Assam.
  • Necessary training module & training materials / handout required shall be provided by the contractor.

Time of completion

  • The time duration for this project is 3 years


  • Shall do the Mobilization, Survey, Data Collection, Creation & Digitization of Engineering information to the As-Built status & Preparation of manual in MS word.
  • Shall suggest HAZOP, QRA recommendation on Emergency Measures as per the statutory guidelines like Mines Act-1952, OMR-2017, OISD
  • Shall prepare and submit the Consequence Analysis report along with recommendations as to how to implement
  • Shall conduct end user training and Submission of three sets of all the reports in digital format as well as in hard copy for each installation