Vedanta Limited has awarded iFluids Engineering to carry out Surge analysis for two 20″ and 15 km long crude export pipeline .Vedanta Limited is a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources Limited, one of the world’s leading Oil & Gas and Metals company with significant operations in Oil & Gas, Zinc, Lead, Silver, Copper, Iron Ore, Steel, and Aluminium & Power across India, South Africa and Namibia.
Vedanta is operating an export facility to transfer crude oil to Oil Tankers through SBM (single buoy mooring) . The facility consists of offloading oil from crude storage tanks through VFD pumps, via two export pipelines to a floating SBM. The two export pipelines are U-looped to enable pigging operation.
Scope of work
The scope of work is to carry out pressure surge analysis for the two 20″ and 15 km long Crude Export lines in order to evaluate the maximum transient pressure surges in various foreseeable mal-operations. The objective is to enable the export oil safely through the production system, avoiding high pressures and eventual loss of containment.The expected cases for transient analysis are as follows:
- Scenario-I Regular Export Operations
- Case-I:Closure of Break away coupling at SBM while export operations via single 20″ pipeline.
- Case-II:Closure of Break away coupling at SBM while export operations via both 20″ pipeline.
- Case-Ill: PLEM export valve mal-function to close during export operation – both pipelines operating.
- Case-IV: PLEM export valve mal-function to close during export operation – one pipeline operating.
- Scenario-II Pipeline pigging Operations
- Case-V: Closure of return line SDV-4122 while pigging operations.
- Case-VI:Pig stuck case at pig receiver at SDV-4121 while pigging operations
- Scenario-Ill Uncontrolled process
- Case-VII: Unexpected increase in rpm of the export pump causing high flowrate and pressure.
- Case-VIII: Sudden recycle valve closure leading to flow increment towards export and high pressure.
Project Completion
The completion period of the project is 6 months
A Detailed Steady State and Transient study report which includes:
- Basis of design
- Assumptions
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Detailed design details of Recommendations