Study On Adequacy Of Fire Hydrant At IOCL, Small Can Filling Plant

IOCL, Small Can Filling Plant, Tadepalli was commissioned on 31st March 1995 at Tadepalli, located in Guntur District about 6 km from Vijayawada railway station. The plant receives base oil through tank trucks (TT) from LBP/CPCL. Additives are received in packed condition (barrels) and also in bulk through tanker Lorries. Major portion of additives are received from M/s Lubrizol (l) Ltd, Mumbai, Indian Additives, Chennai and LBP Chennai.

The base oils are stored in above ground tankers. Packed additives are stored in godown/open yard. Lube oil are produced by suitable blending of base oils and additives of various grades (about 17 grades). Blending is carried out in kettles of various capacities. Heat for the purpose of blending is obtained from the hot water generator. Finished products are filled in 210 liter barrels and also in cans varying from ½ liter to 50 liter. The barrels and small containers are dispatched to IOCL depot located adjacent to the premises.

This project describes the process design basis for fire safety systems adequacy of the tank farm area, TLF Gantry and Pump house of IOCL small can filling plant, Tadepalli. The scope includes:

  • Whether inter-distance Norms between the facilities i.e Minimum of 15 Mtrs distance are present between an object of Fire and Fire Fighting Facility. If Hydrant lines are installed <15m from the tanks, insufficient coverage observed for the tanks in the middle row.
  • Whether adequate coverage by hydrant/monitor is provided to tank farms.
  • Whether TT gantry is adequately covered by hydrant system.

The fire water system of IOCL Small can filling plant, Tadepalli has been calculated based on OISD standard 117 and OISD 237.