Ship Collision Study

Ship Collision Study is to assess the risks and hazard of collision between ships (FPSO) and offshore installations including wellhead platforms. The study will identify the causes of collision and the model of evaluating the risk involved in the collision. The identified causes will be briefly discussed to conclude on decision making and proposing the suggestions to reducing such risks. 


  • To have the rigorous review of the collision hazard and its recommendation to control.
  • To discuss the various scenarios to aware of ship crossing and avoiding human error.
  • To avoid the complexity in coordination and organization in ships involving humans, technical equipment, decision making at several level of organization structure.
  • To identify & assess the hazards due to external impacts in offshore platform / FPSO.
  • To avoid the damage and loss of containment by assessing Quantitative risks involved based on the model of collision.
  • To reduce polluting the marine environment due to collision onto offshore platform / FPSO.

Ship Collision Study Methodology

Ship Collision Study methodology

There are two types of collision, the first is collision by a ship on the FPSO and another one is collision on offshore wellhead platform. The methodology comprises in defining the type of system which we have to consider the ship collision study. The potential hazards can be identified based on the analysis of marine traffic where the facility is located, collision frequency in the location with complete historical data.

The probability of the impact in the fixed offshore platform structure / FPSO in accordance with the marine traffic analysis.  The causes and consequences will be identified with the data’s arrived from the quantitative analysis and the marine environmental impact. The ship collision may resulting in the damage of the riser pipe and can cause dangerous impact to the environment as well as to human present in the platform / FPSO. The risk assessment will be done based on the collected data’s to provide the control measure to mitigate the risks involved.

Appropriate ship collision analysis software shall be used to identify the impact based on the simulation. The scenarios of collision from marine traffic data will be considered for describing the striking location, the collision angle and the velocities of colliding ships. The results extracted from the simulation can be utilized for the further discussion in workshop and concluding the results and recommendations.

Common factors in ship collision

  • Speed & displacement of the Colliding ship.
  • Environmental conditions like rogue waves, high speed wind
  • Design of ship’s structure & its capacity to bear collision.
  • Unawareness of existence of platform / FPSO
  • Human errors like watch keeping failure, erroneous actions
  • Equipment like radar failure.