Rapid Risk Assessment Study For Haldia Port-Jetty Area

IMC Limited wants to evaluate the feasibility to having a twin berthing structure for handling LPG/Petroleum/Chemicals tankers at one berthing arm and LNG vessels at the second berthing arm. The LNG vessel berthing arm may be a FSU/FSRU terminal; one vessel stationed permanently at the berth and another vessel discharging LNG into the FSU/FSRU at periodic intervals.

RRA Study of Haldia Port – Jetty area carried out for the following:

  1. Product Pipeline combinations allowed in same pipe rack.
  2. Twin berthing structure, where an FSU or FSRU will be moored permanently at one berth and LNG import vessel will double bank and LNG will be transferred to the FSU/FSRU by STS operations. In the other berth, LPG, POL, chemical and other liquid cargo vessels will berth, deliver cargo and depart.