Rapid Risk Assessment for  New RLNG Facility-IOCL, Haldia Refinery

Haldia refinery currently utilizes conventional fuels like naphtha, internal fuel oil (IFO) and refinery fuel gas (RFG) as fuel in process heaters, gas turbines (GTs), heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs), boilers, HGU-1 and HGU-2 for meeting its fuel, power, steam and H2 demand.

Increasing import of energy and crude oil in particular is a cause of concern for India. One of the initiatives by the Govt of India is to reduce import dependency of energy by improving refinery processes through integration of petroleum refineries with clean fuel RLNG.

Accordingly, Haldia Refinery has taken the initiative for development of infrastructure for utilizing 4.27 MMSCMD of NG in place of conventional fuels such as naphtha and IFO in GTs, HRSGs, Boilers, process heaters HGU-1 and HGU-2. The surplus naphtha and IFO generated from RLNG utilization will be upgraded as petroleum products which will improve refining margins.

IOCL intends to utilize RLNG in Haldia Refinery and provide facilities which envisages use of NG at Haldia as the following-

  • As feed & fuel in HGU1 and HGU-2
  • As fuel in GTs
  • As fuel in Process heaters
  • As fuel in Thermal Power Station (TPS) boilers.
  • As fuel in HRSGs

Indian Oil Corporation Limited has entrusted iFluids Engineering to carry out Rapid Risk Assessment (RRA) study for Haldia Refinery.

The main objective of this study is to estimate to identify and quantify all potential failure modes that may lead to hazardous consequences and extent. Typical hazardous consequences including fire, explosion and toxic releases. The Rapid Risk Assessment includes the following steps:

  • To Identify failure cases within the process and off-site facilities
  • To Evaluate process hazards emanating from the identified potential accident scenarios.
  • To Analyze the damage effects to surroundings due to such incidents.
  • To Suggest mitigating measures to reduce the hazard / risk.