Quantitative Risk Assessment(QRA) Study For Gujarat Gas LNG Storage and Regasification facility

Gujarat Gas Limited (GGL) is India’s largest City-wide Gas Distribution with distribution lines running along  23 Districts in Gujarat’s, Thane Geographical Area (GA) (excluding already authorized areas) which includes Palghar District of Maharashtra and the Union Territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

The overall safety performance of is assessed by the management tool – Quantitative Risk Analysis. The main objective of this QRA study is to quantify and assess risk for personnel from process hazards associated with Gujarat Gas LNG storage and Regasification Facility. Risk Assessment is done by the identification of potential scenarios. The societal risk and individual risk are based on two factors such as consequences and likelihood. This involves the identification of initiating events, possible accident sequences and likelihood of occurrence and assessment of the consequences In consequence analysis, several calculation models is made use to estimate the physical effects of an accident  and to predict the damage of the effects.  

In Likelihood assessment the probability of occurrence of failure scenarios or incident is estimated for the identified scenarios. Risk is evaluated by combining the consequences and likelihood from all selected scenarios and its outcomes. Overall risk is estimated by combining the estimated individual risk of the facility.