Quantitative Risk Assessment for Tata Chemicals Limited

Tata Chemicals Limited is located on the west coast of India at Mithapur, for the manufacture of soda ash in the year 1939. Tata Chemicals Limited awarded iFluids Engineering to carryout the QRA study for various plants and storages at Mithapur facility such as:

Inside plant premises:

  • Chlorine Storage
  • Chlorine toner handling and piping
  • Bromine Storage and handling
  • Bromine ISO Road Tanker
  • Ammonia Storage
  • Ammonia Road Tanker
  • Oil Installation Storage Area [Hot Furnace Oil & HSD]

Settling Ponds:

  • Settling ponds
  • Effluent pipelines

The main objective of QRA study is to estimate the potential risk levels for personnel due to accidental release of hazardous materials from loss of containment scenarios from the facilities and to exhibit that individual risks are within the broadly acceptable regions

The Objectives of QRA are as follows:

  • To Identify Hazards and Major Loss of Containment (LOC) events.
  • To Calculate physical effects of failure case scenarios which include Estimation of Jet Fire, Pool Fire heat radiation distances, Flammable gas dispersion distances, BLEVE and overpressure explosion distances.
  • Failure Frequency evaluation.
  • To quantify Societal risk and estimate Potential Loss of Life.
  • To Perform risk assessment to confirm that risk can be reduced consistent with the ALARP principle according to the UK HSE risk acceptance criteria.
  • Recommend risk reducing measures to ensure that all risks are in ALARP or Acceptable region.