Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) and Fire and Gas (F&G)Mapping Services

Hengyuan Refining Company has awarded NRC Engineering SDN BHD to carry out Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) Fire and Gas (F&G)mapping study in Hengyuan Refining Company for some of the equipment in HDS-2 Unit, Malaysia.

Fire and Gas (F&G)mapping

Probable failure and leak scenarios in Hengyuan Refining Company were identified and dispersion of flammable Hydrocarbon (HC) gas leaks in different leak orientation and wind directions were analyzed using PHAST 8.22 dispersion analysis.

The optimum location and mounting height of the Fire and Gas detectors are identified based on the flammable gas footprints evaluated by the simulation software. 3D model of the areas of interest such as Product tanks and Pumps was developed as 3D objects in the Detect 3D software. The study was carried out using Scenario based and geographic based approach.

Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)

Euro 5 Gasoil Project is a brownfield project where some equipment has been added to enable a more stringent operation. Under Euro 5 Gasoil project, there are 4 equipment which has potential hydrocarbon leakage, and shall be the basis for the QRA study.

The four equipment are as follows:

  1. New Feed Charge Pump (P-3051) for Diesel Hydro processing, HDS-2
  2. New Condensate Injection Pump (P-3061)
  3. New Heavy Kero Pump (P-5784) to HDS-2. This pump is located at the Oil Movement side, not within the ISBL.
  4. New Injection Skids, Anti-Static Additive Package (A-3055) and Lubricity Injection Package (A-3057)