Quantitative Risk Assessment of JSC Indorama Kokand Fertilizers and Chemicals

The Scope of the study is to review observation of the JSC Indorama Kokand Fertilizers and Chemicals -Quantitative Risk Assessment report prepared by Lloyd’s Register Consulting Energy Private Limited (LRC). The main objectives of the review on the QRA report are to confirm its adequacy that the assessment including any follow up actions/recommendations meets the relevant EU Requirements and EBRD E&S Policy requirements.

The QRA report details the risk assessment methodology, consequence analysis results, frequency analysis results and presents the risk for the people considered for the study based on the HSE UK risk acceptance criteria.

Based on the review of the JSC Indorama Kokand Fertilizers and Chemicals -Quantitative Risk Assessment report mainly it is founded that the inputs used for the study is in consistent with good engineering practice, the societal risk presented for the Onsite and Offsite people considered for the study is in ALARP region and the ALARP demonstration including the specific recommendation for bringing down the risk from ALARP to Acceptable region.