Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study for the MSP and Tank farm units

The Numaligarh Refinery Limited, has entrusted iFluids Engineering and team of subject matter experts to carry out (QRA) study for the MSP and Tank farm of Numaligarh refinery.

NRL, Assam, located within the district of Golaghat, has been instrumental in the steady industrial and economic development of the region. The 3 MMTPA NRL, Assam was dedicated to the state by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri A. B. Vajpayee on 9th July, 1999. NRL, Assam has been able to display credible performance since the commencement of production in October, 2000.

The objective of this QRA study is to gauge the potential risk levels for personnel due to accidental release of hazardous materials from loss of containment scenarios from the facilities and to demonstrate that risks are within the broadly acceptable regions.

The facilities mentioned below are within the QRA scope of study:

a) MSP:

  1. Continuous Catalytic Reformer Unit (CCR)
  2. Naphtha Hydrotreater Unit (NHTU)
  3. Isomerization Unit (ISOM)


  1. Crude tanks
  2. DCU feed tanks
  3. GDS feed tanks
  4. HCGO tanks
  5. NHT feed tanks
  6. PFCC feed tanks
  7. RPTU feed tanks
  8. SR VGO tanks

c) Raw Water facility

The QRA Study is carried out using the following Methodology:

  • Identification of the Hazards and MCA (Maximum Credible Accidents)
  • Consequence modelling and evaluation
  •  Frequency & probability determination
  • Risk analysis: Individual risk, Societal risk
  • Perform a risk assessment to using the  United Kingdom HSE risk acceptance criteria
  • Recommend risk reducing measures for the site to ensure risk in Acceptable or ALARP.

The recommendations and results of the Quantitative Risk Assessment has been provided to the NRL Team for their review and necessary further action for risk reduction.