QRA study for Bulk Petroleum installation of 2no’s of 04 X 200 KL Semi buried tanks at IOCL, Guwahati AFS.

Indian Oil Aviation Service is a leading aviation fuel provider in India and the most-preferred supplier of jet fuel to major international and domestic airlines. Between one sunrise and the next, Indian Oil Aviation Service refuels over 2,200 flights from the bustling metros to the remote airports linking the vast Indian landscape, from the icy heights of Leh district (the highest airport in the world at 10,682ft) to the distant islands of Andaman & Nicobar.

This studies carries out Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study for the Guwahati AFS, Assam.

IOCL-Guwahati Air Force Station was commissioned in 1963 after taking over from Assam Oil Company to cater the needs of Indian Air Force and civil commercial aircraft agencies. There are totally 2 Air Force Stations,One at LGBI Airport (AFS A) and another one at Indian Air force (AFS B). Each stations has 4 Nos of 200KL capacity Aviation Turbine Fuel(ATF), semi buried storage tanks, Pumps, Decantation section and topping section

The scope of work is to carry out Quantitative Risk Assessment for Bulk Petroleum installation of 2No’s of 04 X 200 KL Semi buried tanks at IOCL-Guwahati AFS. This study covers the different components and equipment associated with the existing facility.

The main purpose of QRA study is to evaluate the potential risk levels for personnel due to accidental release of hazardous materials from Loss of Containment (LOC) scenarios and to exhibit that individual risks lie within the broadly acceptable region.

The Objectives of QRA are as follows:

  • To Identify Hazards and Major Loss of Containment(LOC) events.
  • To quantify physical effects of failure case scenarios that includes estimation of jet fire, pool fire, heat radiation distances, flammable gas dispersion distances, BLEVE and overpressure explosion distances.
  • Failure Frequency evaluation.
  • To quantify societal risk and estimate potential loss of Life.
  • To perform a risk assessment to ensure that the risk can be reduced in consistence with ALARP principle based on UK HSE risk acceptance criteria.

To recommend risk-reducing measures to ensure that all risks are in ALARP or Acceptable region.