Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) for Entire Direct Reduction-1 Plant, NG Supply System and Electric Arc Furnace-5 Plant of Qatar Steel

Qatar Steel Company (QPSC), the first integrated steel plant in Gulf region started operation in 1978. Qatar Steel has awarded iFluids engineering to carry out Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) for Direct Reduction-1 Plant , NG Supply System and Electric Arc Furnace-5 plant. The plant consists primarily of four major process facilities: Direct Reduction, Electric Arc Furnace, Continuous Casting and Rolling Mill. Other auxiliaries include Material Receiving/Handling, Main Power Substation, Quality Control Center Maintenance Shops and other facilities such as Sea/Fresh water, compressed air and a clinic.

  • QS with it’s latest production technology and equipment, generates an annual production of 1.2 million tons of molten steel and has a rolling mill capacity of 740,000 tons per year.
  • QS is accountable for the requirements of Mesaieed Industrial City (MIC), Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME).

Scope of work

The Scope of studies includes

PHA is a thorough, orderly, systematic approach for identifying, evaluating, and controlling the hazards of processes involving highly hazardous chemicals. The PHA methodology selected must be appropriate to the complexity of the process and must identify, evaluate, and control the hazards involved in the process. In this case, Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study will be the preferred method of PHA review.

  • To review Natural Gas Supply System, Direct Reduction Plant- I and Electric Arc Furnace-5 plants with reference to the latest piping & instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs). The purpose of the review is to identify potential deviations in process and control parameters that may lead to a hazardous situation or operability problems occurring and to examine any safety issues that require further assessment and subsequent action.The actions shall be tracked to closure using the PHA register
  • Any hazard or operability problems identified during PHA will be discussed and recorded taking account of existing or proposed safeguards and mitigating measures.
  • PHA will be conducted using HAZOP technique which shall also include Facility Siting and Human Factor Engineering;
  • The output of the PHA shall be recorded within PHA worksheets and relevant actions will be summarized in the final report; The complete PHA study may identify items for further action or consideration. An action sheet for each HAZOP action will be prepared and issued electronically.
  • A summary of assigned actions will be presented in the PHA report

Software used

PHA shall be conducted using latest version of PHA Softwares such as PHA-Pro or PHA-Works.

Completion Period

The completion period of the project is 12 weeks from the date of Work Order.


  • iFluids Engineering shall conduct a Kick off meeting upon award of Contract
  • iFluids shall issue a HAZOP Methodology report two weeks prior to the proposed HAZOP session for review and approval by Qatar Steel.
  • Within two (2) weeks following the completion of the HAZOP review, iFluids shall issue the final HAZOP review report for each plant (i.e. DR-1, EF-5, NG supply system)

Documents Required

  • Latest P&ID available for Qatar Steel facilities
  • Original process description
  • Interlock description (if available)
  • List of alarm and trip set points.