P&ID, hydraulic calculation, pump sizing calculation, utility consumption list, PSV calculation and Line List Preparation of 44 Tanks and Allied Facilities for palm oil tank.

iFluids Engineering has carried out Hydraulic calculations for a Palm oil Facility that consists of tank farms, transfer pumps and its associated facilities such as:

  • Palm oil storage facility
  • Crude Fatty Acid storage facility
  • Palm Fatty Acid Distillate storage facility

The scope of work includes the following activities:

  • To perform detailed engineering on 44 tanks and allied facilities of palm oil tanks.
  • Developing P&ID based on given general arrangement drawing and as per API standards.
  • In Hydraulic calculation, finding out the line sizes for each line including pump suction and discharge line, tank inlet and outlet line.
  • Finding out line sizes based on velocity and pressure drop criteria.
  • In Pump sizing, finding the pump differential head, suction and discharge pressure, NPSHa, power and its design conditions.
  • In Utility consumption list, finding out the consumption rate of Steam, Nitrogen, Instrument air, Compressed air and Service water
  • In Utility Sizing, finding out the line sizes for each utility.
  • PSV calculation.
  • In Line list preparation, providing the line number, operating pressure and temperature and design pressure and temperature
  • Pump data sheet preparation

The study methodology was carried as below:

  • Hydraulic calculation is performed based on NORSOK standards.
  • Spread sheet is used for calculations.