Network Hydraulic Analysis of combined Fire Water Network of PHBPL & PHDPL Haldia & PHBPL Bolpur

The Indian Oil Corporation intends to carryout hydraulic analysis of existing & proposed extension of fire water network of following two locations:

  • PHBPL & PHDPL Haldia
  • PHBPL Bolpur

The fire water network has been designed for meeting the requirement of OISD-STD-117 (latest edition) & OISD 214 and maximum fire water demand flow rate considered by owner at all the locations as per OISD-117 & OISD-214 and the network has to be sized for 120 % of the design flow rate. Hence, Hydraulic analysis for the network has to be carried out. However, in each location the network hydraulic analysis shall be carried out as per designed water demand.