Hydrological Studies

Hydrology is the study of the amount and quality of water being stored or conveyed on the land surface, and in soils and rocks near the surface.

Objectives & Applicable Guidelines

Objectives of the Hydrology study are to establish the current hydrology and hydrogeology scenario in the study area and at the project site. This will help to establish the anticipated environmental impacts due to change in land use pattern in the study area after implementation of the project. Hydrogeology study would also help to study the ground water flow pattern and existing ground water drawl in and around the study area.

Our team of expert hydrologists and engineers have extensive experience doing thorough hydrological analyses as part of our flood risk and drainage assessments. These use a combination of topographical information, site investigations, hydrological data, flow surveys, rainfall data, geological information and other historic data to determine the extent of catchment areas contributing runoff, and the flows in watercourses and drainage systems.

The key in-house Hydrological Studies we can provide include;

  • Catchment Analysis
  • Catchment Flows
  • Rainfall Analysis
  • Hydrogeology
  • Overland flow/Runoff Assessment
  • Watercourse Hydraulics
  • Flood Risk Assessment
  • Drainage Impact Assessment

Pre-field Study:

  • Collection of Site Map to scale
  • Project Details viz. Industrial, Infrastructure, Mining, Crushing, Agriculture,
  • Site-Suitability, Tunneling, Corridor Mapping etc.
  • Data to be obtained from the EIA Consultant:
  • Work Order,
  • ToR Copy for scope of work,
  • Experts involved in the project,
  • Project background and processes involved,
  • Field work planning dates and of time of completion,
  • Proposed drawl of water, etc.
  1. Survey of India Toposheets, Published Geological maps, Reports & Well Inventory Sheet Camping facilities, Data pertaining to Line Departments such as State Ground water Authority, CGWB, PHED, Revenue etc.
  2. Collection of Rainfall and water level data to understand the hydrogeological setup of the proposed area.
  3. Pre field maps and planning of data collection during ground truth viz. Geological out crops, exposure, structure, litho contacts, etc.
  4. Equipment: Brunton Compass, Camera. GPS, Hammer, Sampling bags, Marker pens, Field Notebook, Maps, Medical Kit, Field Contingents and Vehicle for the terrain

Site Visit:

  • Site visit – capture the Geo-Coordinates of Boundary Pillars and record in field note book
  • Take traverses and observe the out crops and map it on the field map and exposures for rock type and record the strike and dip directions on field map.
  • Observe the road cuttings, Well Sections and nala cuttings for sub surface strata of Geology and record, Tanks, streams and rivers should be studies for water holding capacity, perennial or non-perennial of stream flow, Drainage Characteristics of the catchment, yields of wells, Crops grown, drawl and demands in the area etc.
  • Collect the maximum number of well inventory in the core and buffer zone and this should be correlated with the local available data from the Departments concerned.
  • Conduct pumping, slug test in the existing open / bore well
  • Estimation of runoff from the watershed that can be used for recharge.
  • Estimation of pre-post project runoff with the project site and suggest measures to harvest the water within the project site.
  • Study the feasibility zone for recharge prospect zone and suggest location for creation of recharge structures
  • Visit the line departments for collection of collateral data and interact with local Geologist for possible earlier work done, pump test data, chemical characteristics of the aquifer & aquifer parameters and record with their permission and duly acknowledge.
  • Record the industries, townships and land use particulars in vicinity and buffer zone of the project area and their water drawl particulars along with seismic zone in which it falls.
  • Understand and identify the possible impacts of the proposed industry relating to hydrogeology in terms of availability of ground water, exploitation now and in future, Recharge conditions and possible recharge structures to be suggested.
  • Collection of water samples from representative wells and tanks.

Outcome of Study

  • Hydrological studies of the buffer zone showing drainage pattern.
  • Creation of Digital Elevation Model to assess the surface water flow pattern.
  • Survey and hydrological data collection well within 10 km radius (Core buffer zone ) of existing wells determination record for each location Including, determination of coordinates of the points by GPS and its plotting on map and water levels, pre & post monsoon levels
  • Hydro geological studies of the plant and its buffer zones indicating the present ground water development status, long term ground water recharge and present status of ground water development.
  • Geomorphology and Structural map identifying the presence of aquifers zones within 10 and 1 km radius of the project boundaries and management plan for recharging the aquifers. 
  • Soil map in and around 10 km radius from the project boundary.
  • Ground water analysis existing bore well, litho logs, drawdown and recovery tests to quantify the area and volume of aquifer and its management.
  • Ground water contour map of 10Km radius area showing ground water flow direction and hydraulic gradient, which is adopted in modeling studies for pathways.
  • Ground water quality map to identify the ground water quality zones.
  • Flood inundation areas in and around the project site.
  • Action plan for Rain Water Harvesting Plan for the plant and its surrounding area