Hydraulic Analysis of Existing Firewater Network-BPCL -LPG Plant, TVM

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL), a Govt of India Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) corporation operates an LPG bottling plant in Thiruvananthapuram. It receives LPG from Kochi Refineries via Tank Trucks and then Bottled into small LPG cylinders for domestic and commercial consumers.

LPG is a Class-1 hazardous chemical to handle. Hence this plant is an extraordinarily safe facility to handle the emergencies like fire and explosion.

The scope of work is to carry out Hydraulic analysis for an existing fire water network to check the adequacy in line with OISD standards.

The Objective of Hydraulic analysis is to check the adequacy of the following is in line with OISD standards,

  • The fire water network using the PIPENET software,
  • The Spray density of Spray nozzles,
  • The Fire water storage capacity,
  • The Firewater pumps.

Applicable standards

Document NumberTitle
OISD-STD-116Fire Protection Facilities for Petroleum Refineries and Oil/Gas Processing Plants, Oct 2017.
OISD-STD-144Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Installations, Oct 2017.
OISD-STD-244Storage and handling of Petroleum Products at depots and terminals including standalone crude oil storage facilities, Jan 2015.
OISD GDN-169OISD Guidelines on Small LPG Bottling Plants (Design and Fire Protection facilities), Oct 2017.