L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering Ltd. had awarded iFluids Engineering to carry out Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study for the Boil Off Gas Compressor Unit for GCPTCL, Dahej. The Objective of the GCPTCL Debottlenecking project was to achieve optimum Jetty Occupancy andmaximize effective utilization of the existing pipelines and storage facilities including utilities by debottlenecking facilities. The framework shall capture tank farm dynamics and can be easily scaled for additional products and different tank assignments/ configurations.
A HAZOP study was planned for the new boil-off gas compressor. This HAZOP workshop was held at Mumbai, Maharashtra. Personnel from GCPTCL, LTHE, Dresser-Rand and iFluids Engineering had taken part for a very interactive session.
The purpose of HAZOP during design / commissioning stage is to find out the potential loops in operations and boil down the chances of failure to very low since the facility is not in operating mode. After brainstorming over identified cause and consequences, team concludes if there are any further actions required to be made for better operation integrity.
Along side HAZOP, SIL (Safety Integrity Level) study was carried out as well. The purpose of SIL is to check the integrity of the control loop if the failure happens. Based on findings from SIL, team can decide if further improvements are required to be made.
During the session, Team was led by a Chairperson and a co-chairperson which led to better decision making and faster conclusion over points of conflict.