HAZard and OPerability(HAZOP) Study for HPCL– Mumbai Refinery

The HPCL Mumbai refinery is one of the most complex refineries in the country, is constructed on an area of 321 acres. This versatile refinery which is the first of India’s modern refineries, symbolizes the country’s industrial strength and progress in the oil industry. Mumbai Refinery has grown over the years as the main hub of petroleum products. The refinery has reached to present level through several upgradation and restructuring processes.

The Mumbai Refinery was commissioned by Esso Standard in 1954, with an installed capacity of 1.25 million tonnes per year. The lube refinery, Lube India Ltd, was commissioned in 1969 with a capacity of 165 million tonnes per year of Lube Oil Base Stock (LOBS) production.

Crude processing capacity increased to 3.5 million tonnes per year during 1969. In 1974, the Government of India took over Esso and Lube India by the Esso (Acquisition of Undertakings in India) Act 1974 and formed HPCL.

Expansion of the fuels block was carried out by installing new 2 million tonnes per year crude units in 1985. A second expansion of Lube Refinery took place to increase the capacity of the refinery to 335 million tonnes per year, so far the largest in India. The installed capacity of the refinery was later enhanced to 6.5 million tonnes per year. The current installed capacity of the refinery is 7.5 million tonnes per year.

The HAZOP study done for following units,

1Lube Oil Upgradation Unit (LOUP) / SCW (LOUP )Lube Refinery
2Solvent Extraction unit – SEU3Lube Refinery
3Solvent Extraction unit – SEU1Lube Refinery
4Solvent Extraction unit – SEU2Lube Refinery
5Industrial Oil HydrofinerLube Refinery
6FRE-Crude Distillation & Vacuum Distillation UnitsFuel refinery Expansion
7DHDS -Amine regeneration UnitFuels Refinery – DHDS block
8DHDS-Sulfur Recovery unitFuels Refinery – DHDS block
9DHDS-Condensate recovery unitFuels Refinery – DHDS block
10DHT-Amine Recovery UnitFuels refinery – DHT block
11DHT-Sour Water stripper unitFuels refinery – DHT block
12DHT-Sulfur Recovery unitFuels refinery – DHT block
13GFEC- Sour Water Stripping UnitFuels Refinery – GFEC Prime G block
14GFEC- Amine Regeneration UnitFuels Refinery – GFEC Prime G block
15New Boilers SG-10/11, Fuel oil systemPower & Utilities
16DHT BoilerPower & Utilities
17Air SystemPower & Utilities
18N2 plant-DHT BlockPower & Utilities
19Integrated Effluent Treatment Plant (IETP)Lube Refinery-Offsites

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), has an existing installation of Cyclic HAZOP Phase – II for all Refinery units at HPCL Refinery, Mumbai.

HPCL has awarded iFluids Engineering to carry out Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study for the Cyclic HAZOP Phase – II for all Refinery units at HPCL Refinery, Mumbai. The project identifies the methodology and results proposed by iFluids Engineering and accepted by HPCL for the completion of the HAZOP study.