HAZard and Operability (HAZOP) study For Ladle Furnace (LF) Briquetting Plant

Harsco India Private limited is the premier provider of material processing and environmental services to the global steel and metals industries. Harsco’s is providing the services in the onsite of company. Harsco provided services like recovery of resources and provide solutions to get the product back from the raw material for environmental benefits.

Harsco India Private limited want to carry out Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study for LF Briquetting plant which is going to propose in the site of JSW steels, Toranagallu, Bellary. The briquetting process converts individual by-products of steel making process into a homogenized agglomerated form that can be handled in conventional iron and steel making facilities. The agglomeration process that Harsco metals and minerals have used successfully at a number of steel making sites is that of compaction of the by-product inputs via a hydraulic roll. This technology is commonly known as Briquetting.

The input by-products must be prepared, blended and mixed with a suitable binder before fed in a controlled manner into the roll press. The material is then pressed into a pillow shaped forms that can be tailored to suit the customer’s specific requirements.

HAZOP for any project or modification serves many purposes including

  • Identify the hazards inherent to the proposal.
  • Identify the credible human and/or equipment instrument failures likely to lead to accident scenarios/Operability Problems.
  • Qualitatively assess the risk and provide recommendations to overcome the hazards if required.
  •  In addition to these issues, HAZOP identifies items which could improve unit operations and efficiency

Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Study is a technique to evaluate the potential hazards which are associated with the Existing facilities and for proposed new facilities of Operation and Maintenance. This study is carried out by a team of engineers from different disciplines. The team looks at each section of a plant or system or operation, considers potential hazards from intended operation and analyses their consequences against any existing safeguards. HAZOP is a brainstorming technique, where team members contribution based on their collective experience and lessons learnt from their past.