Fire Safety Adequacy Study for Mangala Processing Terminal of Vedanta

Vedanta Limited – Cairn Oil & Gas is the operator of Rajasthan block with  70% participating interest and its joint venture (JV) partner ONGC having 30% participating interest. More than 300 wells have been drilled in Rajasthan and have yielded 25 discoveries to date in Block RJ-ON-90/1, covering an area of 3,111 km2. The Rajasthan block consists of below contiguous development areas:

  • Mangala, and Aishwariya (MARS) fields;
  • Bhagyam and Shakti fields;
  • Kaameshwari West fields and
  • Other marginal / Satellite fields i.e. NI, NE, Raag Oil, Guda Oil etc.

Oil from Mangala field is processed in an onshore oil and gas processing facility known as Mangala Processing Terminal (MPT). Subsequently, other fields such as Bhagyam, Aishwariya, Raageshwari and Saraswati were discovered. Mangala Process Terminal (MPT) is a Group Gathering Station (GGS); developed as central oil and gas processing plant where oil and gas from Mangala, Bhagyam, Aishwariya and other marginal fields in Rajasthan block is being collected and processed

The scope of work of iFluids Engineering is limited to the different components associated with Mangala Terminal facility.

  1. Mangala Processing Terminal
  2. Unloading Bay near MWP-08.
  3. Crude Oil Pipeline from MPT to AGI-5
  4. Crude Oil Pipeline from AGI 5 to Bhogat.
  5. Radhanpur Terminal
  6. Viramgam Terminal
  7. Bhogat Terminal and SPM

The study shall cover the impact of change of flash point with respect to following criteria:

  1. Active Fire Protection system
    • Adequacy based on applicable standard with respect to Fire Water Storage, transportation, application and make up.
    • Back-up adequacy.
  2. Passive Fire Protection System
    • Adequacy of equipment inter-distance based on applicable standard and statutory requirement
    • Bunds and dyke for containment
  3. Equipment material adequacy
    • Compatibility / Suitability of material with respect to change in flash point
    • Equipment loading / Structure adequacy with respect to change in flash point
    •  Protection measures, where appropriate.
  4. Fire hazard analysis and consequence modelling
    • To determine probability and consequence of maximum credible fire or gas leak scenarios identified in assessment.
    • Probability of backdraft in buildings and means of protections.
    • Review the effects of the fire or gas leak scenarios identified and assess the effect on fire protection system and means of escape & evacuation.
    • Recommend on fire explosion detection and protection measures including containment and drainage facility of contaminants, where appropriate.
    • Recommend escape & evacuation protection measures, where appropriate.
    • Evaluation of adequacy of used firewater evacuation and drainage system
  5. Adequacy of emergency breathing apparatus and communication systems available at site and augmentation required.
    • The assessment will be based on hazards that may occur during the operations of  facilities according to the information available.

Fire Safety Adequacy Study was carried out by iFluids Team consisting of Fire Protection Specialist, Process Specialist, Instrumentation Engineer, and Asset integrity Engineer.

The following Codes and Standards were referred for the Study.

OISD-STD-117Fire Protection Facility for Terminals, Pipeline Installations, Lube Oil Installations, & Petroleum Depots.
OISD-STD-118Layouts for Oil and Gas Installations
OISD-STD-189Fire Protection system related to Onshore Drilling rigs, Work over rigs and Oil/Gas Production Installations
OISD-STD-173Fire Prevention cum Protection system for electrical Installations
OISD-STD-163Process Control Room Safety
OISD-STD-164Fire Proofing for Steel Supporting Structures in Oil & Gas Industry
OISD-STD-244Storage and Handling of Petroleum Products at Deports and Terminals including
Standalone Crude Oil Storage Facilities
NFPA-2001Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems
NFPA-15Water Spray Fixed Systems Standard for Fire Protection
NFPA-20Standard for Installation of Stationary Pumps related to Fire Protection System
NFPA-30Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
NFPA-72National Fire Alarm and Signalling Code
APl-2218Fire Proofing Measures for Petroleum and Petrochemical processing plants
Petroleum Rules 2002 or the latest version thereof;
Central Electricity Authority (Procedures Related to Safety and Electric Supply)
(Amendment) Regulation , 2019

The main objective of this study is to perform comprehensive review of the process and Fire system adequacy due to the change in Crude Oil Flash point and the changes in flash point envisaged here after. In addition to that it also covers the following Parameters.

  • Identification of Fire Hazard events.
  • Calculation of physical effects of failure case scenarios which include Estimation of Flash Fire, Jet Fire, and Pool Fire heat radiation distances.
  • To analyze the hazard due to Fire Escalation and check the adequacy of Inter-Separation   distance.
  • Determine Critical Equipment falls under Fire Hazard and assess the fire proofing requirements for Structures, Vessels, Equipment’s and Shut down Valves.
  • To perform firewater adequacy study for the change in flash point of crude oil from class C to B in compliance to OISD-117.
  • Detailed gap analysis in compliance to OISD-117 that was performed for the firewater system which includes fire water pumps capacity, headers size, hydrants, monitors, fire water tank sizing.
  • Review the escape routes and the means of escape and evacuation provided at the facility.