Fire and Hydrocarbon vapor (F&G) Mapping Study & Dispersion Modelling Assessment (DMA) For 2 Nos. Of Ethanol tanks at IOCL– Haldia B Terminal – Emerson

Haldia B terminal is a marketing terminal at established by M/S Indian Oil Corporation Limited. This terminal consists of different product tanks such as MS, HSD, Ethanol, and Biodiesel. The total storage capacity of the terminal is around 22380 KL (Class A – 4600 KL, Class B – 17480 & Unclassified  – 300 ). This terminal receives products in Tank Wagons & Tank trucks and dispatches the products through Tanker trucks in Bays.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited intends to conduct Fire and Gas Mapping for Class A Product Tank farm and handling areas in Haldia B terminal, West Bengal.

This terminal consists of the following,  

  1. Tank farms,
  2. Underground storage tanks,
  3. TLF Gantry
  4. pumps and their associated pipelines.

Conducted Fire and Gas Mapping Study for the Haldia B terminal.

The scope of work includes the following activities :

  • Class A product handling areas in the Haldia B terminal are covered for the Fire and Gas Mapping Study.
  • The F&G Study suggests the location, type and the number of detectors that need to be installed across various areas.

The objectives of the F & G Mapping study  are:

  • Identifying all potential hazards that will lead to flammable gas release or ignition.
  • Proposing new fire and gas detection arrangements.

Applicable standards

Document NumberTitle
ISA 84.00.07 TR- 2010Guidance on the Evaluation of Fire and Gas System Effectiveness
DEP 32 30 20 11Fire & Gas smoke detection systems.
OISD-STD-244Storage and handling of Petroleum Products at depots and terminals including standalone crude oil storage facilities, Jan 2015.
DEP 80 47 10 30Assessment of the Fire Safety of onshore installations.
GP 30 -85Fire and Gas detection