Fire And Gas Mapping Study For IOCL, Baitalpur Depot

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. has set up a depot at Baitalpur in Uttar Pradesh. The depot consists of 3 MS tanks, 1 Ethanol tank, Pump House, Vapour Recovery Unit and its associated pipelines. Advanced Systek has awarded iFluids Engineering to carry out Fire and Gas Mapping Study for IOCL Baitalpur Depot. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd has 3 MS tanks, 1 Ethanol tank, Pump House, Vapour Recovery Unit and its associated pipelines. Based on Retail market requirement tank trucks are loaded in truck gantry and dispatched to respective retail outlet. The following activities such as Receipt of petroleum products thru T/Ws, ethanol receipt thru TTs, Dispatch of products thru TTs are carried out in IOCL Baitalpur Depot.

Probable failure and leak scenarios in Baitalpur Depot were identified and dispersion of flammable Hydrocarbon (HC) gas leaks in different leak orientation and wind directions were analyzed. The optimum location and mounting height of the Fire and Gas detectors are identified based on the flammable gas footprints evaluated by the simulation software. The study was carried out using Scenario based and geographic based approach.

The objectives of the F & G Gas Mapping study for Baitalpur Depot of IOCL are::

  • Identifying all potential hazards that will lead to flammable gas release or ignition.
  • Determination of the characteristics of the likely gas release by modelling the physical effect and consequently quantifying the extent of hazardous scenario on the project facilities.
  • Proposing new fire and gas detection arrangements.