Environmental Social Management Framework (ESMF)

Environmental Social Management Framework ESMF is used as a safeguards instrument which manages potential adverse impacts through a guide consisting of a set of methodologies, procedures and measures to facilitate adequate environmental management (risk management and impacts) related to the works financed under the project and whose specific location is unknown or may change during project implementation.

1. Objective and Rationale of the ESMF

The objectives of the ESMF are mainly:

  • Establish methods for examining all proposed sub projects for any potential negative social and environmental effects
  • Indicate the steps that will be taken to manage, reduce, and keep an eye on the effects that the project has on the environment
  • Outline training and capacity-building arrangements needed to implement the ESMF provisions.

2. Purpose of ESMF

The purpose of the ESMF is to describe a framework or a step-wise process for the management of the environmental issues including:

  • Procedures for screening the environmental aspects related to the programs
  • Identification of impacts, regulatory mechanisms and management/mitigation measures
  • Details on the institutional roles and responsibilities for environmental management (including contract provisions and budget),
  • Strategy and plan for capacity building of key stakeholders,
  • Plan for monitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards,
  • Strategy for public consultation.

3. Methodology of ESMF

Following methodology was adopted, in developing the ESMF

  • Data Gathering
  • Desktop Review – This consisted of reviewing relevant documentation made available and they include: the World Bank Concept Note for the proposed project; national legal and policy documents on Environmental Management and Environmental Impact Assessment, and the World Bank’s Operational Policies including the (OP)/Bank Policy (BP) 4.01 and related annexes.
  • Field visits and consultations with potential PAPs– The visits and the consultations provided the opportunity to:
    • See some of the potential project intervention sites and interact with the local communities about the project and its potential environmental and social impacts (both positive and negative);
    • Provide an opportunity for the potential beneficiaries to express their views and concerns with respect to the planning and implementation of the project
    • Based on the discussions identify specific interests and discuss potential roles and responsibilities of stakeholders that would facilitate their participation, ownership and sustainability of the project
  • Data collection and analysis, consisting of
    • Literature reviews
    • Environmental and Social screening and scoping studies
    • Determination of potential impacts
    • Identification of impacts mitigation measures
    • Preparation of Environmental and Social Management Plan; and
    • Preparation of sub-component guidelines
  • Consultative Workshops
  • Review of comments from stakeholders; and
  • Preparation and Submission of reports