Environmental Compliance Assurance Audit

To keep up with the dynamically evolving regulations, we have established a one-of-a-kind method to assist our clients in environmental regulatory compliance at the operational stage.
An Environmental Compliance Audit is an impartial review of a company’s environmental regulatory obligations and how it complies with those standards.

Our environmental compliance assurance services include the following: objective specific gap analysis report, review of environmental monitoring programme and assisting in the implementation of robust environmental monitoring, data analysis and report programmes, air pollution control system performance assessment studies and developing pollution control system upgrade technical feasibility studies, odor management studies, pollution prevention studies and waste minimization audits, treatability studies and design of wastewater treatment facilities.

An environmental compliance audit is intended to offer assurance that organizational operations are carried out in compliance with environmental laws, regulations, guidelines, and policies, Also  to guarantee that all applicable rules and laws, as well as internal standards, controls, policies, and procedures, are followed. Non – compliance of environmental standards may result in unfavorable outcomes such as financial penalties and even criminal prosecution. Organizations must undertake internal and external compliance audits on a regular basis to avoid these results.

Environmental compliance audits promote ecologically sustainable corporate operations as well as transparency for stakeholders concerned about the company’s environmental Impact.

An environmental legal compliance audit consists of three steps:

  • The auditor will assess which environmental laws, policies, and procedures applicable to the operations of  business.
  • The auditor will perform an audit to establish if the company is in compliance with environmental laws, policies, and processes. This evaluation may include a site visit to the business operations, or desktop study, or both.
  • Finally, the auditor will prepare an audit report outlining the company’s compliance status. The audit report will highlight where the business complies with applicable environmental laws, policies, processes,and where the firm does not comply, and it will include relevant recommendations and measures to improve overall legal compliance.

As an additional step, the auditor may create a record of all applicable environmental laws, policies, and procedures for the company to aid them in maintaining their legal compliance status.


  • Helps in ensuring compliance with laws
  • Reduce risk/cost with non-compliance
  • Gap analysis
  • Pollution, waste reducing & to conserve resources
  • Helps in Environmental Performance

Tools & Technique

  • Checklist
  • Questionnaires
  • Questioning
  • Observation
  • Photographs/Electronic data
  • Research
Environmental Compliance Assurance Audit