Design HSE Case Study

Design HSE case study is to demonstrate the hazards associated with the proposed project. It comprises hazards that identified, evaluated and the risk from Major Accident Events (MAEs) to reduce as low as reasonably practicable. Checking and assessing of operation management system which to be placed for continually identifying hazards and eliminating or minimizing risks at the facility over the life of the field.

Significance of design HSE case study:

To identify the hazards associated during implementation of any new project and to control / mitigate / prevent / eliminate the causes of the hazard and to ensure the safe working environment. The Design HSE study can extract the list of safety critical activities and elements to be monitored with appropriate guidelines. Common misconception is that all tasks and elements are safety critical, therefore it is important for an organization to get the safety critical activities and elements by conducting HSE case study. Hence risk ranking, category and its level could be clearly visible to control the hazards and risk associated with project.

Study Methodology:

Hazard Identification:

Each and every project scope will have its own applicable hazards in different categories. The hazard identification will be listed based on the company guidelines as applicable to better understanding of hazard envisaged in the project. The hazard shall be identified as the outcome in meeting with the hazards and effect register. The meeting shall be with the engineering disciplines involved in the scope of design, Management, operations, HSE and maintenance team to ensure effective outcome of the session.

Assess the Risk:

The risk is then assessed to identify the potential causes and consequences that are expected for the project scope facilities. The occurrence of these causes and consequences are analysed further to get the likelihood and the severity. The risk ranking shall be done based on the evaluation of potential consequences. Risk Assessment Matrix will be developed to assess the hazards and its severity and frequency of occurrence.


The control measures shall be provided in the report for controlling / preventing / eliminating the causes of hazard which identified. The effectiveness and performance of the control measures can be analyzed.


The recovery measures available will be identified for the proposed projects which is capable of mitigating the potential consequences. These mitigating/ recovery measures are further analyzed for identifying the performance, effectiveness and adequacy.

Critical activities and tasks:

The credible barriers available are categorized based on their criticality after identifying the recovery measures. The barriers are categorized into critical tasks and elements to assess the actions needed for improving its effectiveness to act as a barrier thereby safeguarding the system by preventing/ mitigating the top event occurrence.

Gap Analysis:

The identified critical system will be put into functioning of safeguarding the system, the gap analysis will be done to evaluate the effectiveness on a regular basis.


ALARP is the continuous process, used in connection with the management and regulation of safety systems. ALARP attempts to reduce the potential risk of harm as far as possible. To reach the point of being ALARP, the cost involved in reducing the risk further shall be grossly disproportionate to the benefit gained.

HSE Critical Tasks & Elements

The HSE critical tasks and critical elements are identified from the Bow-Tie analysis to check the accuracy and verify the performance of the critical activities that will be carried out in the scope facilities.

Bow-Tie Analysis

A Bow Tie analysis used to visualizes the risks that will be encountered in the project. The diagram is shaped like a bow-tie, creating a clear differentiation between proactive and reactive risk management. The power of a Bow Tie XP diagram shows how well the plausible risk scenarios are controlled.

Bow-Tie Analysis

A Bow Tie analysis used to visualizes the risks that will be encountered in the project. The diagram is shaped like a bow-tie, creating a clear differentiation between proactive and reactive risk management. The power of a Bow Tie XP diagram shows how well the plausible risk scenarios are controlled.

Study output

  • Risk Assessment Matrix
  • Severity Ranking
  • Likelihood Ranking
  • Critical Task Inventory
  • Bow-Tie worksheet & its identified outcome.