Qatar National Oil and Gas Producing Processing and Exporting Company (QP) awarded iFluids Engineering to carry out Data acquisition and Risk based Inspection (RBI) analysis for new equipment of AGRP (Acid Gas Removal Plant) in dukhan fields.The QP comprises of Onshore and offshore oil and gas producing fields are located, onshore at Dukhan on the western coast of Qatar and offshore on the eastern coast.

QP requires the services of iFluids Engineering to perform data acquisition, piping circuitization, identifying and marking CMLs on drawings/field, taking initial (base) thickness readings, populating data in spreadsheets, Identifying active/potential damage mechanisms, assistance for RBI analysis, inspection planning and population of data in the General Electric Asset Performance Management (APMS) Mechanical Integrity (MI) software for equipment namely fixed equipment, in-plant piping, relief devices, corrosion coupons, corrosion probes installed in AGRP.

Major Specifications of Dukhan oil Fields are:

The Dukhan Fields measure approximately 80 km long x 8 km wide in area, containing over seven hundred (700) oil, gas and water injection wells and over 4,000 km of pipelines.

  • This oil field comprises three (3) sectors namely OG(D), ON(D) and OS(D)
  • The production facilities in each sector are located at “Main Station” which is supplemented by one or two satellite stations.
  • The reservoir pressure is maintained by a Gas Lift re-injection facility and power water injection system comprising of a main ring and inter-field injection lines. The produced crude oil from all sectors is collected through inter-field pipelines and pumped to Mesaieed for export via subsea pipeline to a SBM.
  • The RAG from each sector is gathered, dehydrated and passed through pipelines to Fahahil Stripping Plant after which the separated NGL is exported to Mesaieed. The SAG is discharged to the National Gas Distribution Grid.
  • Eight Khuff gas  Wellhead  Treatment Plants (WHTP) take gas from the reservoir and also feed the National Gas Distribution Grid through a 30” pipeline. Arab-D Gas Plant  processes condensate gas to recover liquid products for export and the remaining gas is re-injected into Arab-D reservoir.
  • A new Acid Gas Removal Plant (AGRP), at Arab-D, treats Khuff Gas in order to supply sweet fuel gas to industrial customers in the State of Qatar.
  • The Dukhan facilities also include a power distribution network that takes power from the national power company Kahramaa. Support services also include a sewage treatment plant and potable water network.

Scope of Services includes:

  • Piping circuit development

To study the process flows, materials of construction, atmospheric environment, operating parameters etc. and develop piping damage circuits or groups of pipes subjected to similar damage mechanisms and corrosion rates.

  • Corrosion study including identification of potential damage mechanisms

To analyse each asset (equipment, piping circuits) and identify active/potential damage mechanisms such as internal corrosion, external corrosion, environmental cracking etc via corrosion studies. APMS MI considers the probability for each damage mechanism and shall be entered into the MS Excel spreadsheets.

  • Developing of SAP Asset register for piping tags

Entering SAP assets such as circuits, associated line numbers and required data into the APMS MI spreadsheet provided.

  • Preparation of Dead leg register

All the identified potential dead legs are to be Marked up in PFDs and P&IDs of piping circuits & a special identification/tag number to be given

  • Preparation of Inspection drawings

Combining AutoCAD construction isometric drawing to produce inspection isometric drawing for each piping circuit in-piping tag list, and apply the selected CMLs identified .

  • Identification of Condition Monitoring Locations (CML)

Condition Monitoring Location (CML) shall be selected in the most likely areas where damage may occur and the corresponding test location shall be indicated on the drawing

  • Baseline Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)

To carryout the Base Line Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) Survey for the insulated AGRP assets. QP shall provide qualified NDT technicians.The collected data about facility shall be mentioned in the spreadsheet.

  • Preparation of Data loaders for RBI and Thickness modules

With reference to selected CMLs by NDE Inspection all the data’s including UT thickness readings shall be recorded & prepared in spreadsheet


The standards and recommended practices in performing the Services are

  • API 510 – 2014
  • API 653 – 2014
  • API 570 – 2016
  • API RP 580 – 2016
  • API RP 581 – 2016
  • ASME B31.3 – 2016
  • ASME B31.4 – 2016
  • ASME B31.8 – 2016
  • ASME BPV – 2017

Completion Period

The completion period of the project is 12 months


  • Shall submit Procedure for AutoCAD drafting.
  • Quality Control of data during acquisition and loading.
  • Procedure for corrosion studies and piping circuitization detailing process description, corrosion description and damage mechanism.
  • Procedure for the application of CML’s on piping and fixed equipment.
  • Procedure for NDT survey.
  • Procedure for deviations/concessions