Creation of As-built P&ID and PFD drawings, HAZOP study, Quantitative Risk Analysis, Consequence Analysis, Preparation of SOPs & Manual of Heavy Crude oil and Natural Gas Production installations and Work over operations of Oil India Ltd, Rajasthan Fields.

Oil India Limited has awarded iFluids Engineering to carry out As-built P&ID and PFD drawings, HAZOP study, Quantitative Risk Analysis, Consequence Analysis, Preparation of SOPs & Manual of Heavy Crude oil and Natural Gas Production installations and Work over operations in Rajasthan Fields .Oil India Limited (OIL) is a premier national Oil Company engaged in the business of Exploration, Production & Transportation of Crude Oil & Natural Gas. It discovered commercially viable gas fields at Tanot, Dandewala and Bagitibba in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan.

To operate the fields, OIL has two production installations such as Processing Centre (GPC) & Gas Gathering Station (GGS).12 wells were drilled in Tanot field out of which 4 wells are having pressure, which needs workover operation for revival. This resulted in setting up of a centralized Natural Gas Processing facilities named DND GPC (Dandewala Gas Processing Complex) with the capacity of handling 1 MMSCM of Natural Gas per Day.

The Baghewala field of OIL has very high viscosity in thousands of centipoise and is not producible by conventional production methods on a regular basis.OIL has implemented CSS (Cyclic Steam Stimulation) technique for extraction of heavy crude in some of its wells on pilot basis. Addition to above, Rig will be deployed for Workover operation. It is intended to carry out HAZOP, QRA Study and Consequence Analysis for all the three installations.

To access engineering information easily at the time of need OIL has planned to create As-built engineering information for the oil and gas productions/process units through latest software tools so as to get the relevant information thereby minimizing losses in the event of an incident

Scope of Work

  • To create engineering information of the following type of installations in Jaisalmer District
    • Dandewala Gas Processing Complex (DND GPC)
    • Baghewala Field (Heavy Oil) & Workover Rig engaged for Workover operations
  • To convert all as-built engineering information of above installations to digital format using appropriate software tools.
  • To carry out Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study based on the intelligent As-built Process & Instrumentation Diagram and Process Flow diagram (P& IDs and PFD) for the early identification of potential hazards and threat affecting people, the environment, assets or reputation.

Scope of HAZOP study shall include the following aspects in addition:

  1. Process Hazards
  2. Maintenance Hazards
  3. Electrical Hazards.
  4. Design Verification (Hazards)
  5. Instrument Hazards
  6. Fire & toxic Hazards etc
  • To carry out Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • To carry out Consequence Analysis
  • End Users Training & Submission of reports

Creation of As-built P&ID and PFD Drawings using recommended software

Collection of input data through physical survey, input verification & creation of P&IDs and PFD’s for each installation using recommended international standard practice & software.


During the HAZOP each P&ID, PFD, Operation Manuals will be considered in turn Section wise with defined nodes .Recommendation will be provided on Emergency Measures & statutory requirements

QRA studies

Quantitative Risk Analysis includes identification of Hazards, Selection of Scenarios, Risk contours, Effects & consequences, Likelihood Estimation & Risk Summation along with control measures conducted as per International accepted guidelines. Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) and Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan are to be carried out as per the statutory guidelines like Mines Act-1952, OMR-2017, OISD

Consequence Analysis:

Consequence Analysis and Estimation is the methodology used to determine the potential damage or injury from specific incidents.

Completion Period

The period of completion of project is 1 year.


  • A draft report and final report of the studies shall be issued after incorporation of comments with OIL.
  • Emergency Measure & statutory requirements will be Recommended
  • Preparation and submission of Consequence Analysis report along with recommendations as to how to implement the same.
  • Necessary training module & training materials required shall be provided.
  • Submission of three sets of all the reports in digital format as well as in hard copy for each installation.