Case Study for Consultancy Services for Design of Laboratory


Haya Water, a registered trademark of Oman Wastewater Services Company is an Omani closed joint-stock Company, wholly owned by the government of the Sultanate of Oman. Haya Water is a government organization responsible to develop, design, implement, operate and maintain the wastewater facilities in Muscat.

Haya Water is steadily advancing to implement one of the largest engineering projects in the field of treating wastewater and looking forward to accomplish its primary goal by promoting higher health standards for all. This is achieved by reducing the pollution caused by conventional wastewater systems, preventing the spread of diseases, epidemics and protecting ground water resources from contamination. 

Haya Water operations lead to the production of environmental eco-friendly treated water, which will maintain the water reservoir for future generations as well as reduce the use of expensive desalination water associated with CO2 emissions, and contribute positively in the economic growth and improve food security, in addition to producing high quality eco-friendly fertilizers which contributes directly to enhancing the agricultural sector.

As part of expansion of its operations, Haya water have decided to expand Haya Water Central Laboratory at Al Ansab as a stand-alone and to be used as Central Laboratory near the Operation Building in the STP.

Central Laboratory tests samples of various industrial liquids such as treated water, potable water, drinking water etc.

iFluids was appointed as the Consultant to perform preliminary design of laboratory and its ancillaries.

Brief Scope of Work

HayaWater awarded this project as FEED and it consists of the following activities:

  • Conduct a preliminary study of the existing laboratory and its requirements.
  • Design a new laboratory building which can accommodate all the existing laboratory equipments.
  • Preparation of EPC tender documents.
  • Assisting Haya Water in obtaining local approvals.

After EPC work is awarded, support EPC contractor.

Project Objective

The main objective of this project is to provide the prelimimary design of the new standalone laboratory. Approximately 1000 sqm area shall be utilized to accommodate the proposed design of Laboratory with all associated facilities.

Location of proposed Laboratory near Engineering Office at Al Ansab

Discipline Involved:

  • Civil & Architecture
  • MEP
  • Electrical
  • Telecom
  • Lab Specialist (Consultant)
Laboratory Plan rendered in AutoCAD
Isometric view of Fumehood and casework (CAD Drawing)

Scope was to design a laboratory with state-of-art facilities. HayaWater intends the building to be eco-friendly and the design need to be carried out in such a way that it consumes less energy. Also, the building has to be technologically advanced in terms of safety and security. All these points were considered in designing the building.

Once project was awarded, a brief site survey was carried out by respective discipline in-charges. Existing data were collected and carried out the design activities for the proposed laboratory were conducted in Chennai office. As in every infrastructure project, primary deliverables were from civil department.

Civil and architectural team developed the building design complying Haya Water as well as International Standards. Once the design work of the building was completed, other disciplines prepared all the respective deliverables as per the requirements.

Scope of MEP services was to design utilities such as HVAC, drainage, plumbing, firefighting etc. An MEP co-ordination layout was also prepared in the final stage by combining all utility drawings to avoid clashes.

Electrical department designed the electrical system for the whole building. UPS sizing, cable sizing etc were carried out during the design period. Power consumption of all the existing equipments were collected during site survey.

Fire detection and telecom system were designed by the Instrument & telecom department. Also, the safety and security system of the whole building was also designed by telecom. This includes CCTV, ACS system, PA/GA system and fire detection system.

For the laboratory design, since iFluids doesn’t have in-house specialist, service of a third party consultant was utilized. A close co-ordination with specialist was carried out in successful completion of the project.

Deliverables from all the departments were submitted and obtained approval.

List of Deliverables

Sl. NoDescription
1Master layout Plan
2Ground Floor layout
3First Floor layout
4Terrace Floor layout
5Section & Elevation
6Floor Tiling Layout
7Finishing Schedule
8Architectural Typical Details
9Schedule of Doors and Windows / Details
10Reflected ceiling layout
11Technical BOQ for Architectural items
12Civil Technical Specifications
13Utility services layout
1Fume hood and Case work-Plan Ground Floor
2Fume hood and Case Work-Equipment Layout Ground Floor
3Fume hood and Case work -Isometric View
4Technical Specification for laboratory fumehood & case work
5Technical BOQ for laboratory fumehood & case work
1Lab Gas Distribution System – P&ID View – Ground Floor  Sheet 1 of 3
2Design Basis Report for gas distribution system
3Technical Specification for compressed air, gas distribution & utility system
4Technical BOQ for gas distribution system
5Lab Gas Distribution System – Ground Floor Plan
2HVAC Calculations
3HVAC Layout- Ground
4HVAC Layout- Roof
5VRF Piping Schematic
6HVAC Airflow Schematic-Laboratory Area
7HVAC Fresh Air Schematic
9HVAC- Technical Specification
1Laboratory Exhaust System – Ground Floor
2Laboratory Exhaust System – Roof
3Design Basis Report for laboratory exhaust system
4Technical Specification for laboratory exhaust system
5Technical BOQ for laboratory exhaust system
1Plumbing Layout-Ground
2Plumbing Layout-Terrace
3Plumbing Calculations
4Plumbing  DBR
5Technical Specifications-Plumbing
7Plumbing Schematic
1Drainage DBR
2Drainage Calculation
3Technical Specifications-Drainage
4MTO – Drainage
5Drainage Layout – Ground
6Drainage Layout- Roof
7Drainage Schematic
1Internal Fire Protection Layout
2Fire MTO
3Fire Equipment Specifications
4External Fire Hydrant Layout
5Fire DBR
6Fire Systems Calculations
7Fire evacuation plan
1MEP Co-Ordination Layout -Ground
2MEP Co-Ordination Layout -Terrace
1Datasheet for F&G devices
2Specification for F&G System
3Datasheet for F&G cables
4Riser diagram
5Typical Installation drawing
6F&G location layout-Ground
7F&G Cable routing Layout-Ground
8Cable Schedule
10Block Diagram for CCTV System
11Cable Routing Layout-CCTV System
12Block Diagram for ACS System
13Cable Routing Layout-ACS System
14Block Diagram for Telecom System
15Cable Routing Layout-Telecom System
16Block Diagram for speaker System
17Cable Routing Layout-Speaker System
1Main Single Line Diagram – New
2UPS Single Line Diagram
3HVAC DB Single Line Diagram
4Lighting DB Single Line Diagram
5Power DB Single Line Diagram
6Electrical Design Basis
7Electrical Load List
8Electrical Power and Control Cable Schedule
9LV Cable Sizing Calculations
10Earthing Calculations
11UPS Sizing Calculations
12Lighting Calculations
13Lightning Protection Calculations
14Cable Tray Sizing Calculations
15Data Sheet for  LV Switchboard
16Data Sheet for LV Power and Control Cables
17Data Sheet for AC UPS
18Data Sheet for Distribution Boards
19Electrical Equipment Layout – Electrical Room
20Cable Routing Layout – Ground Floor
21Lighting Layout – Ground Floor and Peripheral Lighting
22Earthing Layout – Ground Floor
23Typical Installation Drawings for Cabling
24Typical Installation Drawings for Lighting
25Typical Installation Drawings for Earthing and Lightning Protection
26Material Take Off (MTO)


One of the main constraints of the project was about the building requirement. Hayawater intended to construct an archive building and IT center on the top of laboratory building. However, it was not confirmed/finalized during the design stage. Due to this, iFluids were not able to calculate exact power consumption requirement of the building. In addition to this, other discipline deliverables were also affected. However, it was informed to Haya Water about this constraint and they confirmed that it will be the responsibility of EPIC contractor to finalize the building and power requirement.  

Another constraint was the delay in obtaining concurrence/approval from client. This happened in the earlier stage of the project as we were not able to identify the correct contact person for the project. Once it was identified we were able to obtain approval for the documents and close the project.

One more constraint which arised in the due course of design was regarding the scope of work. In the awarded tender, it was written to conduct preliminary engineering or FEED. However, at times, client was on the idea that we are doing detailed engineering. Even though we discussed and sorted this issue across the table, it was done very lately.

Another constraint was lack of existing drawings. Drawings of existing laboratory or the location were not available. This resulted in delay of the project.

Obtaining approval from Oman local authority was also a point of concern. However, client requested only technical support for approval.

Lesson Learned

  • A single point of contact at client side need to be identified before commencement of any project. Frequent communication with the person need to be maintained.
  • In the preliminary stage of the project itself, all concerns regarding the exact scope of work need to be discussed with client. This discussion points to be recorded with their concurrence.