Biodiversity Management Plan

A Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) is an implementation plan for conserving, restoration, and enhancement of biodiversity value. The BMP establishes the objectives and defines the management measures required to achieve the intended results.

1) Objectives of BMP

The objective of this BMP is to reduce the impact of the Project activities on biodiversity at and surrounding the Project through,

  • Identifying the key biodiversity issues that require control measures
  • To study the existing anthropogenic stresses on the prevailing ecosystem
  • Developing strategies to manage impacts on biodiversity and implementing those strategies
  • Assigning responsibilities for impact monitoring and management
  • Providing sufficient information to assist with auditing the implementation of the BMP; and
  • Establishing a biodiversity monitoring program and management measures

2) Purpose of BMP

Project activities can create negative outcomes on the ecological environment through which some of the areas as highly sensitive and highly valued ecological sites exhibiting a wide range of biodiversity. This BMP therefore,

  • Outlines actions and measures necessary for the effective management of biodiversity along the route
  • Covers identified impacts upon biodiversity
  • Details specific control measures to be implemented
  • Incorporates the requirements of the study findings, international standards, l legislation, and Project-specific permits conditions

3) Methodology

  • The impact due to construction phase and operation phase of the project and its activities on the ecological parameters like natural vegetation, cropping pattern, fisheries and aquatic life, forests and species diversity. Ecological Impact Assessment considered the following stages:
  • Identification of the likely zone of influence arising from the whole lifespan of the project; assessment of the ecological impacts of the project and definition of the significance of these impacts.
  • Identification and evaluation of ecological resources and features likely to be affected. Identification of the biophysical changes likely to affect valued ecological resources and features;
  • Assessment of whether these biophysical changes are likely to give rise to a significant ecological impact, defined as an impact on the integrity of a defined site or ecosystem.
  • The conservation status of habitats or species within a given geographical area, including cumulative impacts.
  • Refinement of the project to incorporate ecological enhancement measures, mitigation measures to avoid or reduce negative impacts, and compensation measures for any residual significant negative impacts.
  • Provision for monitoring and following up the implementation and success of mitigation measures and ecological outcomes, including feedback in relation to predicted outcomes.

When describing changes/activities and impacts on ecosystem structure and function, reference will be made to the following parameters

  • Magnitude of Impact
  • Extent
  • Duration
  • Reversibility
  • Timing and frequency