Annual Rate Contract For Hiring Of Contract Services For Conducting HAZard and OPerability study (HAZOP), Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)And Preparation OF Emergency response and Disaster management Plan (ERDMP)Documents

INDIAN OIL ADANI GAS PVT LTD (herein after called “IOAGPL”), a Joint Venture Company of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd & Adani Gas Ltd is engaged in supply of Piped Natural Gas (PNG) to Households, Commercial & Industrial consumers and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) to automotive sector. IOAGPL is in the process of expanding its City Gas Distribution network in various Geographical Areas authorized by the PNGRB.

IOAGPL intends to carry out HAZOP, QRA and ERDMP study for facilities of Natural Gas Pipelines, City Gate stations, CNG mother stations and Daughter Booster Stations, Natural gas pipeline system, associated facilities etc. across all the Geographical Areas acquired.